Wallace Shawn credited as playing...
Principal Mazur
- Goofy: [talking to Principal Mazur on the phone] Hello?
- Principal Mazur: Yes, Mr. Goof. This is Principal Mazur. I'm calling in regard to your son, Maximillian.
- Goofy: Max? Oh my gosh! Is he hurt?
- Principal Mazur: No, Mr. Goof. He's in trouble!
- Goofy: Trouble? What kind of trouble?
- Principal Mazur: Dressed like a gang member...
- Goofy: Gang member?
- Principal Mazur: ...your son caused the entire student body to break into a riotous frenzy!
- Goofy: Riot? It couldn't be my...
- Principal Mazur: If I were you, Mr. Goof, I'd seriously re-evaluate the way you're raising your child before he ends up IN THE ELECTRIC CHAIR!
- [Mazur slams down the phone]
- Goofy: [shocked] The electric chair?
- [sits and hangs up awestruck]
- Goofy: What am I going to do?...
- Max: [singing] I've got less than an hour and when this is ended, I'll either be famous...
- Principal Mazur: [singing] ... Or you'll be suspended!
- Principal Mazur: Miss Maples!
- Miss Maples: Yes, sir?
- Principal Mazur: Get that boy's father on the phone at once!
- Miss Maples: Right away, sir.