49 reviews
- kyleholcomb-98937
- Apr 24, 2016
- Permalink
Dilbert is one of my all time favorite tv shows. I have no clue how this show only got two seasons! They could still be running it now and it would still be pumping out hilarious office jokes! This show ranks among my all time favorites and the all time best adult animated shows with The Simpson's, Futurerama, Our Cartoon President, and Baby Blues. This show is a must watch for fans of the comic, or fans of office comedies(office space/the office(U.S.)/the office(U.K.)/Newsradio /Head Office)! Extremely underrated,and one of the best shows of all time!
- maddoxsmith-79121
- Mar 17, 2021
- Permalink
The 1990s UPN adaption of Scott Adams's Dilbert does a reasonably good job of capturing the comic strip's bleakly humorous vision of corporate life. Featuring excellent vocal talent and an anarchic sense of humor, it makes for worthwhile viewing despite some weak points.
Most of the elements familiar to fans of the strip are present – Dilbert and his coworkers, Dogbert, Elbonia, and the ever competent pointy- haired boss. The characters are backed up by a superb voice cast, with Chris Elliott a stand out as Dogbert. The voice actors become their characters, to the point that it seems odd to hear other actors voice them in later web-based adaptations.
The series also features an anarchic sense of humor. Although early episodes seem strained, trying almost too hard to be over the top, the writing soon settles into a comfortable groove, plunging Dilbert into a variety of absurd situations. Episodes involving a cute, Beanie Baby- like toy that evolves, electronic voting machines, and an off-site meeting are particular stand outs. An episode using a non-existent co- worker as an atheist metaphor is also memorable.
Dilbert suffered from some flaws. Aside from the weaker early episodes, the last few episodes, in a desperate attempt to attract more viewers, started over-relying on guest stars – including the professional wrestler Steve Austin – to the point that it weakened the show. Still, this series is well worth seeking out.
Most of the elements familiar to fans of the strip are present – Dilbert and his coworkers, Dogbert, Elbonia, and the ever competent pointy- haired boss. The characters are backed up by a superb voice cast, with Chris Elliott a stand out as Dogbert. The voice actors become their characters, to the point that it seems odd to hear other actors voice them in later web-based adaptations.
The series also features an anarchic sense of humor. Although early episodes seem strained, trying almost too hard to be over the top, the writing soon settles into a comfortable groove, plunging Dilbert into a variety of absurd situations. Episodes involving a cute, Beanie Baby- like toy that evolves, electronic voting machines, and an off-site meeting are particular stand outs. An episode using a non-existent co- worker as an atheist metaphor is also memorable.
Dilbert suffered from some flaws. Aside from the weaker early episodes, the last few episodes, in a desperate attempt to attract more viewers, started over-relying on guest stars – including the professional wrestler Steve Austin – to the point that it weakened the show. Still, this series is well worth seeking out.
- TheExpatriate700
- Jul 19, 2015
- Permalink
People this show must be the most overlooked, under-rated show ever. It had no exposure. It was on UPN! Think about it: no one watches UPN for intelligent comedy gems do they? or wait -- for anything.
Dilbert, the TV-series, stays almost *perfectly* true to the comic and the voice actors are superb. When you hear the voice for Dilbert and Dogbert on the first episode you'll go "Wow". Right on the button.
Dilbert only lasted two seasons, contained 30 episodes, and was cancelled in 2000. It features celebrity voice talent such as; Jerry Seinfeld, Andy Dick, Tom Green, etc.
DVD includes (some) special features (better than nothing). A "Makeing Dilbert Work" (which it does) featurette, and clip complimations. Also includes some trailers and interactive menus, and is closed captioned. Audio is English.
When you watch this DVD, I'll be honest, it will take about two episodes to get used to it's type of comedy. After that you'll enjoy about 94% of the rest.
I think you'll agree if "Comedy Central" or even "Fox" picked this up, it would probably go a lot longer than two years. IF marketed correctly.
However, some people simply hate this show. I don't know exactly why. Some say it's boring, but I counter with "maybe a short attention span finds it boring". Some say the comic is better. I personally think the TV-show is the same, maybe alittle better.
Overall this DVD is the favourite in *my* collection. I hope it is at least one of *your* favourites.
HUMOR: 8/10 stays true to Dilbert's "wacky" yet "relatable" feeling
PICTURE / SOUND: 8/10 animation and picture is pretty much the same as a coloured comic but much more detailed. Which is good. Dilbert's mouth only moves when he's talking (same as Dogbert's). Animation is better than shows such as "Family Guy" to give you an idea. Voice acting has simply no faults what-so-ever, and the music is very good (although it could have more). As for quality of sound, it's standard.
STORY: 10/10 Some shows really have bad story lines which ruin everything (family guy, anyone?). Dilbert however has good storyline for almost all the episodes and it runs smoothly throughout the length of the series. I'de say it's perfect in a humane way (EVERYTHING has little faults).
OVERALL: 9.5/10 (not an average) Overall it's almost perfect. Add commentary and more episodes (although that cant be helped) and it would be perfect.
WORTH IT? I can't possibly recommend a DVD more than I recommend this one.
Dilbert, the TV-series, stays almost *perfectly* true to the comic and the voice actors are superb. When you hear the voice for Dilbert and Dogbert on the first episode you'll go "Wow". Right on the button.
Dilbert only lasted two seasons, contained 30 episodes, and was cancelled in 2000. It features celebrity voice talent such as; Jerry Seinfeld, Andy Dick, Tom Green, etc.
DVD includes (some) special features (better than nothing). A "Makeing Dilbert Work" (which it does) featurette, and clip complimations. Also includes some trailers and interactive menus, and is closed captioned. Audio is English.
When you watch this DVD, I'll be honest, it will take about two episodes to get used to it's type of comedy. After that you'll enjoy about 94% of the rest.
I think you'll agree if "Comedy Central" or even "Fox" picked this up, it would probably go a lot longer than two years. IF marketed correctly.
However, some people simply hate this show. I don't know exactly why. Some say it's boring, but I counter with "maybe a short attention span finds it boring". Some say the comic is better. I personally think the TV-show is the same, maybe alittle better.
Overall this DVD is the favourite in *my* collection. I hope it is at least one of *your* favourites.
HUMOR: 8/10 stays true to Dilbert's "wacky" yet "relatable" feeling
PICTURE / SOUND: 8/10 animation and picture is pretty much the same as a coloured comic but much more detailed. Which is good. Dilbert's mouth only moves when he's talking (same as Dogbert's). Animation is better than shows such as "Family Guy" to give you an idea. Voice acting has simply no faults what-so-ever, and the music is very good (although it could have more). As for quality of sound, it's standard.
STORY: 10/10 Some shows really have bad story lines which ruin everything (family guy, anyone?). Dilbert however has good storyline for almost all the episodes and it runs smoothly throughout the length of the series. I'de say it's perfect in a humane way (EVERYTHING has little faults).
OVERALL: 9.5/10 (not an average) Overall it's almost perfect. Add commentary and more episodes (although that cant be helped) and it would be perfect.
WORTH IT? I can't possibly recommend a DVD more than I recommend this one.
The attractiveness and charm of the Dilbert comic lies in the ability of the white collar masses to relate to everything that goes on. As absurd as Dilbert's life at work is, it's often not far from the truth.
That said, it made a very amusing and underrated animated TV show. The people chosen to do voice overs for the characters were absolutely perfect: I can think of nobody better to voice the pointy haired boss than Larry Miller.
It seems that most people have a love/hate relationship with this series. I suspect that there is something lost between the comic strip and the show: most of the fans of the comic strip like it because they can relate to it, not because it's universally entertaining, like Popeye or Peanuts. That said, the movie is almost never as good as the book, so many people may feel the same in this case. For years, I hated the Dilbert comic strip. But after I finished college and got a white collar job very much like Dilbert's, in an office very much like the one on the comic, I finally "got it" and haven't stopped laughing.
The show was perhaps meant to be a bit more mainstream? Who knows. I thought it was very entertaining and deserved a longer life than it got.
That said, it made a very amusing and underrated animated TV show. The people chosen to do voice overs for the characters were absolutely perfect: I can think of nobody better to voice the pointy haired boss than Larry Miller.
It seems that most people have a love/hate relationship with this series. I suspect that there is something lost between the comic strip and the show: most of the fans of the comic strip like it because they can relate to it, not because it's universally entertaining, like Popeye or Peanuts. That said, the movie is almost never as good as the book, so many people may feel the same in this case. For years, I hated the Dilbert comic strip. But after I finished college and got a white collar job very much like Dilbert's, in an office very much like the one on the comic, I finally "got it" and haven't stopped laughing.
The show was perhaps meant to be a bit more mainstream? Who knows. I thought it was very entertaining and deserved a longer life than it got.
- Rectangular_businessman
- Jul 14, 2010
- Permalink
This is a great, hilarious riot of an animated series. It's a shame that it got canceled after only two seasons, though. That's mighty unfair, I think. Although I don't have a lot of things in common with my father, one thing I do have in common with him is that I often love the same movies/TV shows he does - Clint Eastwood movies (he likes the westerns while I like his more modern-day urban stuff like "Dirty Harry"), "The Simpsons," "Family Guy," "King of the Hill," and this show are a few examples. "Dilbert," based on the popular satirical comic strip by Scott Adams, centers on the titular character, a stereotypical office drone and his bizarre and/or annoying co-workers. This same set-up may or may not have been influenced the popular comic strip "Milton," which in turn inspired the cult Mike Judge movie "Office Space" (1999). Have a laugh on "Dilbert." You won't regret it.
Appearing as a mid season replacement on UPN's schedule in January 1999 Dilbert's inaugural first season was an uneven but respectable workplace sitcom that tried to forge an identity for itself in the crowded prime time animated field.......and then season two happened. The show's second season took a massive dive in quality with episodes no longer playing to the show's core strengths of lampooning the idiosyncrasies and inanities of the business world and instead focusing on really bizarre nonsensical plot-lines that were more strange than funny. Easilly the worst of these episodes is the second season's only two parter "pregancy" and "delivery" wherein Dilbert builds a rocket to search for aliens(because reasons) but said rocket instead gathers semen samples from cows, engineers, a robot, and aliens returns to Dilbert to go up his ass, gets him pregnant which in turn leads to a paternity trial against Dilbert by the providers of the semen presided over by Stone Cold Steve Austin because UPN would sometimes cross promote the WWE with their other shows despite their being no good reason to do so. If you're even remotely curious in checking out Dilbert, stick with the first season, the second season is a classic example of a show actively sabotaging itself.
- IonicBreezeMachine
- Aug 4, 2020
- Permalink
Dilbert, the animated series, easily lives up to all expectations having come from the most popular comic strip in the world.
Unlike most TV shows, animated or live action, Dilbert actually got better as it went on. It started out good, and became great. It has the same witty 'water-cooler' humor as the comic strip, as well as the traditional 'zaney' antics that most cartoons feature. Although it can be most appreciated by those who have either been a cubical worker, or have close friends or family that were, this show is just as entertaining to those who do not understand what the phrase "ISO 9000" means.
This show could have, and should have, been a long running and successful animated series, just like the comic strip. However, it did not get national exposure (they didn't even air it in Saint Louis--I saw it for the first time in Chicago), and was never picked up by any major networks until Comedy Central featured it late in their Sunday night lineup for a few months. If the show had gotten a decent time-slot on a major network, and had actually been advertised....I think it could have continued on for many years to come.
Hopefully it will make a comeback. Its easily one of the funniest shows ever made.
Unlike most TV shows, animated or live action, Dilbert actually got better as it went on. It started out good, and became great. It has the same witty 'water-cooler' humor as the comic strip, as well as the traditional 'zaney' antics that most cartoons feature. Although it can be most appreciated by those who have either been a cubical worker, or have close friends or family that were, this show is just as entertaining to those who do not understand what the phrase "ISO 9000" means.
This show could have, and should have, been a long running and successful animated series, just like the comic strip. However, it did not get national exposure (they didn't even air it in Saint Louis--I saw it for the first time in Chicago), and was never picked up by any major networks until Comedy Central featured it late in their Sunday night lineup for a few months. If the show had gotten a decent time-slot on a major network, and had actually been advertised....I think it could have continued on for many years to come.
Hopefully it will make a comeback. Its easily one of the funniest shows ever made.
- garbagemanatee
- Jun 20, 2006
- Permalink
Dilbert belongs on the printed page. Bringing it to life on TV wasn't the same. Not sure if it was the voices or the long plots or what. Dilbert is fine being a 3 pane comic each day in print versus on screen. Kind of like an SNL movie. SNL movies are rarely successful because they are taking what is popular from a shorter version and moving to a longer and larger version. Comedy is quick and short. Drawn out comedy is not what it's about. Dilbert should've been a SHORT animated series like the Ambiguously Gay Duo on SNL - every now and then, throw in a short in a sitcom and there you have it. But making it into a full-fledged sitcom is not what Dilbert is all about. Glad this show got cancelled.
- rochelle-rochelle
- Jun 5, 2006
- Permalink
A clever and imaginative cartoon based on the popular comic strip, Dilbert was aimed at an educated adult audience. That's why it failed: Most people who would have enjoyed it probably never saw it. After all it's ratings, not quality which keep a show running. Unfortunately so, because Dilbert is not your mindless everyday sitcom stultification.
Stars: Daniel Stern as Dilbert. Chris Elliot as Dogbert. Kathy Griffin as Alice. Gordon Hunt as Wally. Larry Miller as the Boss. Jackie Hoffman as Dilmom. Tom Kenny as Ratbert and Ashook. Jim Wise as Loud Howard. Jason Alexander as Catbert. Maurice La Marche as the Trash Man.
This was one of those gem shows that for some reason only picked up a select cult audience. Because of that it was canceled, even though it was a great show. It was about workaholic Dilbert and his life in his cubicle. His closest friends are Dogbert, his talking pet dog that's smarter than him, Alice and Wally, his buddies from work and the mysterious trashman who always disappears after giving advice. I highly recommend you buy the DVD because this was a great show, and its a shame only 2 seasons were produced.
My rating: 9 out of 10. 30 episodes. TV PG.
This was one of those gem shows that for some reason only picked up a select cult audience. Because of that it was canceled, even though it was a great show. It was about workaholic Dilbert and his life in his cubicle. His closest friends are Dogbert, his talking pet dog that's smarter than him, Alice and Wally, his buddies from work and the mysterious trashman who always disappears after giving advice. I highly recommend you buy the DVD because this was a great show, and its a shame only 2 seasons were produced.
My rating: 9 out of 10. 30 episodes. TV PG.
"Dilbert" was a good show on Comedy Central. I remember around 2005, one day after school I rushed home and turned on Comedy Central, because I watched it every day after school. After I watched an episode of "The Critic", there came a show called "Dilbert" and I watched it and I loved it! I thought it was really funny and cool. It's based upon the comic, which is good too.
I want Comedy Central to show reruns again like they showed reruns of "The Critic" and "Duckman" back in 2005. They had some great shows back then which need to return! If they show reruns of "Futurama" on Comedy Central now, why not show "The Critic", "Duckman", or "Dilbert".
But this is a really neat show. Great job, Comedy Central!
I want Comedy Central to show reruns again like they showed reruns of "The Critic" and "Duckman" back in 2005. They had some great shows back then which need to return! If they show reruns of "Futurama" on Comedy Central now, why not show "The Critic", "Duckman", or "Dilbert".
But this is a really neat show. Great job, Comedy Central!
- KatiesGhost
- Aug 1, 2008
- Permalink
This was one of the only comedies I've ever seen that has ever been able to successfully blend such ridiculous premises with such clever humour. Especially for a cartoon, most of which are so mind-numbingly idiotic that you feel insulted watching them.
The characters, all outlandish and over-the-top, are well developed and larger-than-life in their own individual ways, as opposed to clones of one weird character that might make the show boring and repetitive. Dogbert in particular stands out as a shining example. Even guest characters like Bob Bastard (one of my personal favourites) and Lena the Warrior Engineer are superbly fleshed out and captivating.
The plot lines are all so far-fetched and zany that they could easily slip into the 'Family Guy' genre but the writers, goofy as their ideas may be, infuse the madness with smart jokes, witty dialogue, and even some well-executed slapstick. And they can pull off both kinds of comedy in such a way that they compliment, rather than clash with, each other.
Unfortunately, this sort of humour was just too much of an acquired taste for the average audience to grasp. The failure of Dilbert and the success of cartoons such as Family Guy are proof that there really isn't much of a future for intelligent comedy - the general TV- watching masses are simply, sorry to be so blunt, too thick.
Too bad. I miss this show a lot.
The characters, all outlandish and over-the-top, are well developed and larger-than-life in their own individual ways, as opposed to clones of one weird character that might make the show boring and repetitive. Dogbert in particular stands out as a shining example. Even guest characters like Bob Bastard (one of my personal favourites) and Lena the Warrior Engineer are superbly fleshed out and captivating.
The plot lines are all so far-fetched and zany that they could easily slip into the 'Family Guy' genre but the writers, goofy as their ideas may be, infuse the madness with smart jokes, witty dialogue, and even some well-executed slapstick. And they can pull off both kinds of comedy in such a way that they compliment, rather than clash with, each other.
Unfortunately, this sort of humour was just too much of an acquired taste for the average audience to grasp. The failure of Dilbert and the success of cartoons such as Family Guy are proof that there really isn't much of a future for intelligent comedy - the general TV- watching masses are simply, sorry to be so blunt, too thick.
Too bad. I miss this show a lot.
Originally presented as a newspaper comic-strip - I found that the decidedly unfunny situations that took place in this TV show's half-hour, animated episodes were all (much to my annoyance) consistently milked completely bone-dry.
Repeatedly - I found that every single character (including Dogbert) in these dull, flat episodes were all a totally unlikable bunch. Indeed.
It sure seemed to me that this show's sole idea of humour, unfortunately, thrived on the callousness of sneering cynicism where everyone was far too eager to cut his fellow man down without even batting a single eyelash.
All-in-all - I could not, for the life of me, relate to any of these vile characters, whatsoever. They were all downright sickening and despicable bores right to their very core.
Repeatedly - I found that every single character (including Dogbert) in these dull, flat episodes were all a totally unlikable bunch. Indeed.
It sure seemed to me that this show's sole idea of humour, unfortunately, thrived on the callousness of sneering cynicism where everyone was far too eager to cut his fellow man down without even batting a single eyelash.
All-in-all - I could not, for the life of me, relate to any of these vile characters, whatsoever. They were all downright sickening and despicable bores right to their very core.
- strong-122-478885
- Nov 24, 2017
- Permalink
There are so many good things about this. Tress MacNeille a Simpsons veteran voices Alice, Gordon Hunt plays as Wally, and Daniel Stern who played as one of the robbers in Home Alone voices Dilbert. There is charm throughout it's two season run consisting of thirty episodes. There was so many opportunities here but UPN decided to screw it up by moving it to a crappy timeslot. Sometimes I wish this show would just come back...
- ViewingBoch
- May 14, 2021
- Permalink
I am a loyal reader of the comic strip. I am also an "I.T. guy" that has lived many of the situations in the comic. Unfortunately, I was disappointed by the cartoon. I cannot point to anything in particular, but there was just something missing. It could be that there is something lost in translation from the "funny pages" to the TV screen. The best way I can describe is that it just did not have the charm of the comic strip. Scott Adams got caught up in the "let's do all things I can't do in the comic, because of the ultra-conservative editors". So, instead of writing material that was actually funny, we got to see Dilbert's butt time and again. Dilbert's butt just isn't that funny....
The show was a non stop laugh riot, much like the comic strip. The show perfectly captured the spirit of the comic strip, which is why it was so good. Unfortunately, the show got axed and taken off the air. Despite what people who didn't like the show would say, it was not cancelled because of the writing. Lousy programming is what really did the show in. When U.P.N. moved the series to that terrible time slot for it's second season, ratings dropped hard and fast. The show really was worth watching.
As mentioned in other posts, this series is definitely a love/hate relationship with most loyal Dilbert fans.
My worst fear when I first started watching the show was the voice-overs. The transition from comic to TV was amazing in my eyes. Beyond being very truthful to Scott Adams initial idea, the voice-overs matched almost perfectly what I imagined the cast of the comic to sound like.
The TV series adds to what the comic portrays - a humorous series of jokes that are exclusive to those that fall out of the "In-duh-vidual" category (those who are familiar with DNRC and Dilbert.com will understand what I mean).
My particular favorite quote, after Alice reads Dilbert's love poem to Lena, the last line being "My passions exceed, (pi)(r)^2 times infinity", she comments saying that he is crazy, and further that the line is meaningless if r is undefined. Just hilarious. Thank you so much Scott Adams, you are my hero.
If you enjoy the Dilbert comic, you will most likely enjoy this series. Watch it. NOW!
My worst fear when I first started watching the show was the voice-overs. The transition from comic to TV was amazing in my eyes. Beyond being very truthful to Scott Adams initial idea, the voice-overs matched almost perfectly what I imagined the cast of the comic to sound like.
The TV series adds to what the comic portrays - a humorous series of jokes that are exclusive to those that fall out of the "In-duh-vidual" category (those who are familiar with DNRC and Dilbert.com will understand what I mean).
My particular favorite quote, after Alice reads Dilbert's love poem to Lena, the last line being "My passions exceed, (pi)(r)^2 times infinity", she comments saying that he is crazy, and further that the line is meaningless if r is undefined. Just hilarious. Thank you so much Scott Adams, you are my hero.
If you enjoy the Dilbert comic, you will most likely enjoy this series. Watch it. NOW!
- consulting-3
- May 5, 2007
- Permalink
I don't laugh at much-really, I'm not lying! Ever since my Daddy died, I've found it near impossible to feel, much less show any emotion. However, and this could be because I've worked in office situations for many years, but I KNOW each of these characters personally, and have worked with them! I used to buy Dilbert books for my Daddy on holidays (he was an Engineer for GM,) when I was young, so to have Dilbert be the thing that helps heal a little bit of my heart is Serendipitous! <3. You will be entertained, and laugh out loud at least once every episode! Yes there's a lot of office humor, and at his heart, Dilbert is a total nerd, but there's a also humor about shopping, traffic, and life in general! So, as I hope I've explained well, so that I can share with you the "magic" that brought light and laughter back into my life, through a simple gift of love... one which I am now passing on to you. I hope this show will bring you many hours of happiness and laughter!
this animated show is hysterical.not only is it insanely funny,but it is also very cleverly written.i like the fact that it makes fun of society and our way of life.i don't agree with certain philosophies on the show,but that doesn't mean i like it any less.i also thought the voice casting is brilliant.the show didn't last very long,and i'm not sure why,but it sure was great while it lasted.for those of you not familiar with Dilbert,he started out in a comic strip.he's an engineer at a huge company.and like hundreds(or thousands)of employees)he spends his day in a cubicle.there are no walls and no doors,except fir the boss,of course.what the company actually does is anybodies guess.there are a great mix of characters in this show.other than the boss,i won't go int any detail here.lets just say that each character's quirks make for some very interesting and very funny moments.as for the boss,well,he's dumber than a fence post,but very likable.some of the stuff he comes up with are brilliant in their stupidity.you'll definitely be scratching you head a lot.when you add all the components of the show together,you have one brilliant result.i highly recommend "Dilbert".you will be holding your gut from laughter a lot.i give it 10/10
- disdressed12
- May 12, 2007
- Permalink
I was drawn into this show by the clever title sequence, but the show itself was a real disappointment. Boring, thinly-drawn characters (figuratively, not literally) and lazy, unfunny humor dragged this show down. I've tried seeing the appeal in the comic strip, but that's pretty bad too. Scott Adams seems to have a 'quantity over quality' mentality to his work that seems to have paid off, but it's guaranteed that Dilbert has been relegated to the ashcan of history. Everyone remembers that it was popular for a time, but no one is really sure why... is this really the best comic strip about office minutae we had at the time? Thankfully the contemporary success of The Far Side, Bizarro and Calvin and Hobbes proved that we weren't completely devoid of comedic judgement at the height of Dilbert's popularity. I will say the show attracted some great voice talent. I just don't know why.
Matt Groening's "The Simpsons" was pioneering in virtually everything it did, and as a result has become the most revered and successful animated sitcom ever (and really the first, in their modern form). But it wasn't long before the industry attempted to duplicate that success, and the results were a mixed bag: the sheer horror of "Beavis and Butt-head," followed by the unpretentious hilarity of "King of the Hill"; the rise of the ingenious "Futurama" virtually twin to the advent of the insidious "Family Guy." "Dilbert," based on the beloved comic strip by Scott Adams, is one of the better shows (even if it didn't last long). The dialog is snappy and smart, the animation what you'd expect, the characters voiced with real talent, and the stories as funny as they are far-fetched. Dilbert speaks for all disillusioned cubicle dwellers, but the concept works equally well as metaphor. You don't have to have a tedious white-collar job to admire the wit and sarcasm of Adams and his TV cohorts. High points of the series include the trips to Elbonia, Dogbert's evil scheming, and any episode heavily involving Alice. The low point: the guest appearance by Jerry Seinfeld. I will *never* get that voice out of my head. Never.
- RiffRaffMcKinley
- Jun 29, 2010
- Permalink
I once said that Futurama is my favourite cartoon. I stand by that, but Dilbert comes a very close second. The eclectic range of characters, from Dilbert himself, to his Machiavellian roommate Dogbert, to Wally, a leech disguised as a human being, to Asok, the put upon intern, to Alice, the feminist engineer with no feminism about her to Loud Howard, the man with the mouth. Above all this you have the wisdom of the Pointy-Haired Boss, and the truly evil whims of Catbert.
I cannot insist how good this show is, only that every time the Boss says something, or Asok is placed in a position of misfortune or Loud Howard claims to know something, you find your find yourself laughing. Take a look for yourself.
I cannot insist how good this show is, only that every time the Boss says something, or Asok is placed in a position of misfortune or Loud Howard claims to know something, you find your find yourself laughing. Take a look for yourself.
- Baldrick44
- Aug 9, 2006
- Permalink