Clint Howard credited as playing...
- [after watching Bobby tackle a player]
- Paco: Look at Bobby tackle. I haven't seen a tackle like that since Joe Montana.
- Walter: Joe Montana was a quarterback, you idiot.
- Paco: I said Joe Mantegna.
- Paco: I am not what you would call a handsome man. The good Lord chose not to bless me with... with charm, athletic ability... or a fully functional brain. You see, you're an inspriation, to all of us who... who weren't born handsome, and charming and cool, and and...
- [breaks out in tears]
- Paco: Hey Walter! I bet you fifty bucks Guy Grenouille throws a touchdown pass on the first play. Check it out!
- Paco: [Guy Grenouille throws an interception] Woo hoo hoo hoo! You owe me fifty bucks!
- Walter: You said it was gonna be a touchdown pass, you crazy asshole!