The Waterboy (1998)
Jerry Reed: Red Beaulieu
Guy Grenouille : Hey, moron! Hey! Moron! Duh! L-L-Look at me. I'm th-th-the waterboy. Duh! I got a wooden spoon! Duh!
Greg Meaney : [Bobby pictures the people who tomented him in the past] Smells like you need a shower, stinky!
[Meaney laughs evily]
Coach Red Beaulieu : You're fired!
[Red laughs evilly]
Bobby Boucher : [Captain Insano and Jim Simmonds laugh]
[Bobby becomes enraged]
Bobby Boucher : Stop makin' fun of me!
Guy Grenouille : Red thirty! Hut!
[Bobby chases Grenouille, screaming, then ramming and tackling him hard to the ground]
Coach Klein : [in amazement] Wow!
Derek Wallace : Damn!
Coach Red Beaulieu : Coach Laski, get over here!
Laski : Yes, sir, Coach?
Coach Red Beaulieu : What is that moron doing here? Huh? Didn't I tell you as plain as I could speak to get rid of his ass last year?
Laski : Yes, sir. But I didn't think you were serious, Coach. Besides, he does a great job.
Coach Red Beaulieu : Disrupting my football team, you idiot! Eighteen years of this is enough!
Coach Red Beaulieu : Hey, Waterboy!
Bobby Boucher : Yes, Mr. Coach Beaulieu?
Coach Red Beaulieu : You're fired!
Bobby Boucher : Ok.
Lynn Swann : You gonna add another championship trophy to the old case downstairs?
Coach Red Beaulieu : That's kinda like my old man told me one time, Lynn. The only thing better than a crawfish dinner, is five crawfish dinners.