Joan Allen credited as playing...
- Betty Parker: Mary Sue?
- Jennifer: Yeah?
- Betty Parker: What goes on up at Lover's Lane?
- Jennifer: What do you mean?
- Betty Parker: Well, you hear these things lately... kids spending so much time up there. Uh, is it holding hands? That kind of thing?
- Jennifer: Yeah! That and...
- Betty Parker: What?
- Jennifer: It doesn't matter.
- Betty Parker: No, I wanna know.
- Jennifer: Well, sex.
- Betty Parker: Oh. What's sex?
- [after Mary Sue explains to Betty about sex]
- Jennifer: Are you okay?
- Betty Parker: Um, yes. It's, uh, just that your father would never do anything like that.
- Jennifer: Ahhhh.
- Betty Parker: Mmm.
- Jennifer: Well, you know, Mom, there are other ways to enjoy yourself... without Dad.
- Betty Parker: [Betty is in color, George is still black & white] George, look at me. Look at my face. That meeting is not for me.
- George Parker: You'll put on some make-up.
- Betty Parker: I don't want to put on make-up.
- George Parker: It'll go away. It goes away.
- Betty Parker: [firmly] I don't want it to go away.
- [last lines]
- George Parker: So what's going to happen now?
- Betty Parker: I don't know. Do you know what's going to happen now?
- George Parker: No
- George Parker: [laughing]
- George Parker: ...I don't!
- Bill Johnson: I guess I don't either.