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  • On a cold winter eve, I decided to rent a couple of movies to warm my heart. I decided on "Willie Wanker at the Fudge Packing Factory". Then, for a comparative analysis, I also rented the actual Wille Wonka movie that inspired this parody.

    When my Great grandmother Hester heard that I had the original movie, she asked, nay, she demanded, that I let her borrow it so she and the grandkids would have something to watch while they were having a sleepover at her house.

    Well, as is often the case in Three's Company episodes, a wacky mix-up ensued and I accidentally let her borrow this movie.

    Needless to say, we don't talk much anymore and I was quickly written out of her will.

    Do you recall the "tunnel ride" in the original? If you were a child, it stirred up many emotions...mainly fright. Well, this movie has its own version of the "tunnel ride" and it manages to awaken those same feelings of fright in me as an adult. Of course, the tunnel is a bit different, being that it is the entryway to the "fudge packing" factory.

    Anyways, a chewy, "chocolate-y" fun time for everyone. Except for your grannies kids.