The Matrix (1999)
Matt Doran: Mouse
Mouse : To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.
Tank : Here you go, buddy; "Breakfast of Champions."
Mouse : If you close your eyes, it almost feels like you're eating runny eggs.
Apoc : Yeah, or a bowl of snot.
Mouse : Do you know what it really reminds me of? Tasty Wheat. Did you ever eat Tasty Wheat?
Switch : No, but technically, neither did you.
Mouse : That's exactly my point. Exactly. Because you have to wonder: how do the machines know what Tasty Wheat tasted like? Maybe they got it wrong. Maybe what I think Tasty Wheat tasted like actually tasted like oatmeal, or tuna fish. That makes you wonder about a lot of things. You take chicken, for example: maybe they couldn't figure out what to make chicken taste like, which is why chicken tastes like everything.
Apoc : Shut up, Mouse.
Mouse : [to Neo] So I understand that, uh, you've run through the Agent Training program. You know, I, um... I wrote that program.
Apoc : Here it comes...
Mouse : So, what did you think of her?
Neo : Of who?
Mouse : The woman in the red dress. I designed her. She, um... Well, she doesn't talk very much, but-but if you'd like to meet her, I can arrange for a much more personalized milieu.
Switch : The digital pimp hard at work.
Mouse : [annoyed at Switch] Pay no attention to these hypocrites, Neo. To deny our own impulses is to deny the very thing that makes us human.