The Matrix (1999)
Paul Goddard: Agent Brown
Agent Brown : Perhaps we are asking the wrong questions.
Agent Brown : She got out.
Agent Smith : Doesn't matter.
Agent Brown : The informant is real.
Agent Smith : Yes.
Agent Jones : We have the name of their next target.
Agent Brown : The name is Neo.
Agent Smith : We'll need a search running.
Agent Jones : It has already begun.
Agent Brown : What were you doing?
Agent Jones : He doesn't know.
[Agent Smith has shot Neo with several bullets]
Agent Smith : Check him.
[Agent Brown feels Neo's pulse]
Agent Brown : He's gone.
Agent Smith : Good bye, Mr Anderson.
Agent Smith : Never send a human to do a machine's job.
Agent Brown : If, indeed, the insider has failed, they'll sever the connection as soon as possible. Unless...
Agent Jones : ...they're dead. In either case...
Agent Smith : ...we have no choice but to continue as planned. Deploy the sentinels. Immediately.
Agent Smith : Dammit.
Agent Brown : The trace was completed.
Agent Jones : We have their position.
Agent Brown : Sentinels are standing by.
Agent Jones : Order the strike.
Agent Smith : They are not out yet.