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  • In 1969, in the "I Festival Norte do Cinema Brasileiro" ("First North Festival of Brazilian Cinema"), a film festival in Manaus, the Portuguese Silvino Santos was recognized by great names of the worldwide film industry as a great filmmaker being honored with a award.

    Silvino Santos came to Brazil, more precisely to Manaus, the capital of Amazonas state, in 1900, when he was fourteen years old, and this city was very powerful and wealthy due to the production of rubber. He began his career as a photographer, but later he was hired by Mr. Júlio Cezar Araña, the manager of the Peruvian Amazon Co. accused of slavery, to make a movie for his British partners showing how the employees of rubber production were treated. Silvino was sent to Paris to learn how to make movies, and bought equipment and negatives before returning to Brazil. This was the beginning of the career of this great director, the great name of the "Ciclo do Amazonas"("Amazon Cycle"). In 1970, Silvino Santos died.

    In 1997, Aurélio Michilles decided to make this dramatic documentary of his biography. The cinematography is very beautiful, the movie uses many original footages and a great material of research. A good recognition memorial of the great filmmaker of Amazonas. My vote is seven.

    Title (Brazil): "O Cineasta da Selva" ('The Filmmaker of the Jungle")