Big Daddy (1999)
Joseph Bologna: Lenny Koufax
Ted Castellucci : Objection, Your Honor! The court is interested in the truth, not the opinion of the defendant's father.
Lenny : You want my opinion? My son is a moron.
Ted Castellucci : I withdraw my objection. Please proceed!
Sonny Koufax : I got some interesting news?
Lenny Koufax : Oh yeah, what?
Sonny Koufax : I kind of adopted a kid
Lenny Koufax : What the hell are you talking about?
Sonny Koufax : I'm talking about you being a grandfather! Congratulations!
Lenny Koufax : Who the hell would give you a kid?
Sonny Koufax : Social Services.
Lenny Koufax : You idiot! You better give that kid back!
Sonny Koufax : His mother's... hang on, hang on.
Sonny Koufax : [shouts at Julian, from afar] Go play with them pigeons, buddy!
Sonny Koufax : I tried to give him back. I just, I just, I just can't, Dad. I need your help. I'm in a bad way right now, Vanessa dumped me, I don't know what the hell I'm doing!
Lenny Koufax : You're damn right you don't know what the hell you're doing!
Sonny Koufax : The kid is always around, especially for the last few days. You think he'd give me a little privacy but he just never leaves me alone, I'm in deep shit.
Lenny Koufax : Just give that kid back right now, before you ruin BOTH YOUR LIVES!
Sonny Koufax : Oh, I appreciate that Dad.
Lenny Koufax : He'd be better off living in a dumpster then living with you!
Lenny Koufax : That's impossible, all you ever care about is yourself.
Sonny Koufax : I care about you saving money on this phone call.
[banging phone receiver several times before hanging up]
[after Sonny insisted to his father he would be a better father to Julian, people in court are making phone calls to their respective parents]
Phil D'Amato : Hello dad. Yeah, I just wanted to say I love ya.
Ted Castellucci : Hi, mom? Could you put dad on the phone for a second?
Nazo : Your son been so kind to papa.
Homeless Guy : [to the man seated in front of him who is calling on his phone] Can I borrow that when you're done?
Lenny : Your honor, my son deserves this kid.
[everyone in court cheers in support as Sonny and Lenny hug each other]
Homeless Guy : [by this time, the Homeless Guy has finally managed to call his father] I love you too, sir.
[the Homeless Guy makes a salute gesture]
[after Sonny's father's initial disagreement about his son having custody to Julian, Sonny places his right hand on his father's left hand]
Sonny : Hey. I love you.
Lenny : [confused] What?
Sonny : You don't have to be scared it's all right.
Lenny : What are you talking about? I'm not scared.
Sonny : If I get custody of Julian, I'll be his father forever and that scares you because you think there's a good chance I might fail.
Lenny : Sonny, that's more than a chance, it's a certainty.
Sonny : You're wrong, dad. You can be scared that I might get pickpocketed in a bad neighborhood, or I might break my leg skiing, but don't be scared about me being a dad because I will fail at that, because I can't. I love this kid too much. I love him as much as you love me, dad. And I'm going to give him advice and I'm going to guide him and I'm going to be there for him whenever he needs me. I'll fly to New York to be at his court case, even if I disagree with why he's there in the first place.
Lenny : But Sonny, you work in a toll booth.
Sonny : Don't be scared about me making money, I am in love with a beautiful girl who makes plenty of it. She'll be my sugar mama.
[Sonny looks to Layla and gives her a wink]
Homeless Guy : I gotta get me one of those.
[by this time, Sonny's father is in tears as he listens to his son explain furthermore of what to do in order to be a better father to Julian]
Sonny : I know this is the right thing to do dad because I would die for this kid, just so he wouldn't have to feel one ounce of sadness. That's why you are right now is to protect me, to be scared for me. To be a good father and that's exactly what I'm going to do.