65 of 163 found this moderate
Some episodes contain moderate sexual content. It's more than what you will see on The Simpsons, but it's less than what you will see on Family Guy.
Bare (animated) butts are shown in some episodes. However, this is the only real type of nudity that is ever shown.
The sexual content on the earlier episodes that originally aired on Fox is a lot tamer compared to the episodes that are produced for Comedy Central and Hulu, which it contains more moderate sexual content and references.
In one Episode, Leela and Fry sit on a bed in the dark and begin making out. This is quickly interrupted by a Virtual Assistant asking them if they'd like "Erotic Scented Massage Oil."
A surprisingly graphic calendar shoot is shown. It includes bear breasts butts and lots of sexual poses. Including a scene of a robot who used to be a man pouring oil all over her breasts and pushing them together.
My kids wanted to watch the show and at first I was skeptical, but then I watched it and I realized that this show is really made for about 12 to 13.
Infrequent minor sexual jokes, and a few instances of minor innuendo, but nothing major.
Characters are heard making verbal sexual references.
Fry and his friends take a trip into the digital world and come across billboards that read "Porno", "Sex", and "Naked Ladies Viewed From Space". However, no visuals are depicted.
60 of 102 found this moderate
In season 6 there are multiple decapitations. there is no blood but you can see the inside of the body where they were decapitated.
The early episodes originally aired on Fox are very mild and is usually cartoonish slapstick violence while the episodes originally aired on Comedy Central has stronger violence with some blood. But it's always used for humor and it's not meant to be intense or disturbing at all.
In season 8 strong bloody violence is shown. Such as a man being stabbed with blood spraying everywhere. A man having his head cut open with a saw and his brain torn out with A LOT of blood. Heads being blown off arms legs torn from body's with a great deal of blood gore ect ect.
Very violent at times a character has his kidney cut out while sleeping. Then another character eats it mistakenly. Tons of sci-fi gore limbs being torn with blood flying everywhere. In one episode a man is sliced up with a lot of different weapons like rusty prices of metal knifes ect ect.
Contains mild animated violence throughout the course of the series.
Some characters are shown to be injured or killed, and some engage in hand-to-hand or armed combat.
Blood is visible in some instances, however, there is scarcely any emphasis on pain or injury.
Volume 8 contains episodes featuring violent scenes.
Some violence in the form of robots being shot in the foreheads with ray guns, but with no bloodletting visible.
Some violence is also featured in other episodes such as 'T.: The Terrestrial' where the viewer sees shots of an alien's arm being shot at, causing it to disintegrate and exposing the cross-section of the injured arm, 'Saturday Morning Fun Pit' which features shots of an ax being thrown against a man chest, a brief close shot of a man being shot in the side of the stomach, and a shot of a woman stabbing a man several times in the stomach with some bloodletting visible.
76 of 121 found this mild
The original episodes that aired on Fox are more family friendly, while the episodes produced for Comedy Central have more language and sex references.
In at least every other episode, the term "I'm boned" or "you're boned" etc. are used in place of the F word
Hell, damn , and ass are used pretty frequently
Bastard is commonly used and B.S meaning Bullshit is sometimes used
Dammit is more Voguer than Damn in some episodes.
Mild language such as "damn", "hell", "ass", "crap", "bastard" and "piss".
"Suck," "god," "crap," "piss," "hell," "damn," "ass," "bitch," "bastard," and a "BS" acronym respectively, with all expletives stronger than the ones listed here censored in regards to FCC regulations.
Very mild and infrequent, but still occasionally heard. "Bitch" tends to be the worst offender of the lot, and is almost never used.
If stronger words like the f-word is used it is completely censored, however it is RARELY used. In "Silence of the Clamps", the f-word was used 6 times to satirize how filthy mafia films are. Of course, it is 100% censored on cable.
Bender's main catchphrase is "Bite my shiny, metal ass!" With many variations such as "Bite my, glorious, golden ass!"
64 of 97 found this moderate
Lots of alcohol and smoking
There is lots of alcohol every episode
Comedic drug/alcohol and tobacco use.
Bender uses alcoholic beverages as a fuel source; though he primarily consumes beer, he has been shown partaking in a variety of other types of booze. But if he is running low on his "fuel", he will begin to shut down in a way reminiscent to someone going through withdrawal symptoms. Bender also enjoys smoking cigars.
Other characters also partake in alcohol and tobacco in their own way, though on fewer occasions.
A running gag throughout the series is the addictive influence of the soft drink "Slurm".
One plot revolves around two of the female characters, who become addicted to taking a plant-based supplement in order to enhance their athletic performance. (The viewer sees the women swallowing liquid from test tubes, as well as their physical appearance altering and becoming more masculine due to changes in their hormones from the drugs. However, the women are later seen going cold turkey in order to quit the drug as it is affecting their relationship with their partners.)
The viewer sees shots of a robot smoking a cigarette-like object with a bright spark at the end. Although it is claimed that the cigarette isn't a drug, the robot enjoys smoking it and it is implied that he performs sexual services in order to make money to purchase more of such cigarettes. (The viewer sees the robot getting into a limousine under the instigation of another male robot.)
The scenes above are brief and the drug use itself is not condoned. The characters who abuse drugs usually get into trouble because of it.
67 of 96 found this mild
although a mostly lighthearted series, some episodes like "Jurassic bark", "game of tones", and "luck of the fry-ish" deal with heavy themes that could be saddening.
the overall science fiction theme, as well as some of the creatures featured throughout the series might be scary to the youngest of viewers.
Some episodes are emotional
The way in which Zoidberg blurts out "Don't do this! It's too exciting!" in the episode 2-D Blacktop best describes most episodes of Futurama.
None/Mild in a lot of episodes.
For tweens/teens and up.
None/Mild for neurodivergent viewers.