Olivia Williams credited as playing...
Anna Crowe
- [last lines]
- Malcolm Crowe: [after realizing the time has come for him to move on] I think I can go now. Just needed to do a couple of things. I needed to help someone; I think I did. And I needed to tell you something: You were never second, ever. I love you. You sleep now. Everything will be different in the morning.
- Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] Good night, Malcolm...
- Malcolm Crowe: Good night, sweetheart.
- Malcolm Crowe: [to Anna sleeping in a chair] Anna?
- Anna Crowe: [in her sleep] I miss you.
- Malcolm Crowe: I miss you too.
- Anna Crowe: Why, Malcolm?
- Malcolm Crowe: What, what is it?
- Anna Crowe: Why did you leave me?
- Malcolm Crowe: I didn't leave you.
- [the ring Anna is holding falls out of her hand to the floor, and Malcolm suddenly remembers everything]
- [first lines]
- Anna Crowe: It's getting cold.
- Malcolm Crowe: That is one fine frame; one fine frame that is. How much...
- [he sits down with a grunt]