Anne Bancroft credited as playing...
Ruth Schram
- Ruth Schram: Now you. Anyone new in your life I should know about?
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Wow, 20 minutes! I can't believe we made it this far.
- Ruth Schram: It's my God-given right to check. What about the Shapiro girl.
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Oh, no, not the Shapiro girl.
- Ruth Schram: Why not, she was a looker.
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: It's not that, the problem was here.
- Ruth Schram: What? Bad skin?
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: No, not bad skin.
- Ruth Schram: What then?
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Ok, you want an example? I take her out to dinner, I order dessert, she says she doesn't want any, I get pecan pie. She asks me for a bite, I give her a bite, her face swells up like a chipmunk, she looks at me and says, "Oh, my God, are there nuts in this?"
- Ruth Schram: So what?
- Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram: Mom! It was pecan pie.