Keeping the Faith (2000)
Ken Leung: Don
Don : [in an thick Philipino accent] How you guys doing? I'm Don. Don, rhyme with flon. You have any question?
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : Yes, Yes indeed Don we do. Is this a good machine?
Don : Yeah it is good if you cheap bastard. No jus... jus doing comedy with you. That one is okay. But if you are serious about Kar'-oke.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : Oh we are!
Don : Okay then... there is only one model for you. The AUDIO 2000. This baby got the 16-bit dual D/A converter, 3 beam checking, digital key controller, so you can change the pitch if your voice sucks. But I don't need that.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : That's nice. How much?
Don : Price is not important
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : No price is very important, actually.
Don : Okay you got me; take me away. Okay it's a lil' bit expensive. But let me tell you, it's worth it. When you sing to your girlfriend.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : Uh huh.
Don : And her heart thweaaaatt-boom! fall down on the floor, you say thank you Don.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : How much does it cost, exactly?
Don : [Motions them over and begins to talk quietly in an American accent] Alright, here's the real deal. Um, I don't usually do this but you guys look like cool guys, and uh, I got a little piece of ass last night, so I am feeling extra generous.
Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram : Oh!
Don : I'm gonna let you guys have it for $1,300.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : $1,300?
Don : Final offer.
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : uh, excuse me, I just got a little warm.
[unzips jacket to reveal priest's collar]
Rabbi Jacob "Jake" Schram : My friend, he gets, he gets a little warm.
Don : [Sees priest's collar] Oh man! What is that? What is... get out of here with that. Is that real?
Father Brian Kilkenney Finn : Oh yeah!