388 of 712 found this mild
Near the end of the movie, Commodus bends down to his sister lying down on the bed. Inches close of an incestuous kiss, he backs out.
Male characters are frequently shown shirtless or bare-chested throughout the film.
Scene where a man's bare butt is shown.
There is a kissing scene that lasts five seconds, more or less.
320 of 416 found this severe
A man treats a graphic wound on his body, which we see up close and for several seconds.
Although most of the violence in this movie is quite brief, it is still pretty graphic and highly realistic.
The first arena battle includes a spiked ball on a chain getting smashed into someone's face. It is very brief, but there is a large blood spurt. This is by far the most violent scene in the movie.
Brief moment showing a woman get chopped in half.
Level of violence: 9/10. Extremely violent and bloody.
This movie contains many battle scenes and gore.
Graphic violence.
Multiple scenes showing bloody violence, much of it in brief shots.
There is a rather bloody battle near the beginning (as well as a couple other shorter ones), and a few bloody arena battles.
Men are killed with blows and dull objects, and stabbed with swords, knives, and spears (often with brief blood).
285 of 398 found this mild
Two uses of whore
1 use of shithole
1 use of "bitch" and "queer"
3 uses of "whore", 1 use of "shithole", 1 use of "bitch", 1 use of "hell".
303 of 385 found this to have none
There are a few scenes with the infrequent drinking of beverages that may or may not be alcoholic in nature.
218 of 381 found this severe
A character can be seen hanging from a tree which is unexpected and can surprise some viewers.
Some pretty intense fights (gladiatorial or otherwise), and a violent escape.