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  • The escort company is attacked and master is wounded by a sneaky trick - darts inside a three section staff. Master is dying slowly and demands his daughter marry the better fighter despite her feelings for another. The filial daughter has no choice and the groom is not happy about it either. Then she gives birth and her husband is probably not the father. He almost murders the baby but a sign from heaven changes things and now he loves the baby girl. The old master finally kicks the bucket. The escort company gets a big job offer that stinks of a set up. The opening fight was good and I was surprised to see three section staffs used. That is my favorite weapon. It is very difficult to master since it can be used short, medium, and long range. It requires strong and flexible wrist action to use effectively. It was mostly used as a flail in the scene but still it's good to see it. My copy is a digital file that seems to have been taken from a television broadcast. The number "8" is constantly in the upper right hand corner. The subtitles are English and added by a fan. Some dialog is missed and some is translated quite colloquially. Fan subs are always a pleasant extra. The drama just goes on and on and gets too depressing. The fights are standard stuff for the late 1960s when actors were not expected to fight and stunt men had to sell all the action. Han Ying-Chieh, future "Big Boss" with Bruce Lee, is credited as action director. I rate is just average for the year and genre and suitable only for hard core fans of martial arts movies from the golden age from 1967 to 1984.