Mariska Hargitay credited as playing...
Detective Olivia Benson • Captain Olivia Benson • Lieutenant Olivia Benson • Sergeant Olivia Benson
- [Looking through a victim's purse for ID]
- Olivia Benson: No jewelry. I always carry at least a pair of earrings in my purse.
- Elliot Stabler: Yeah, like you carry a purse.
- Olivia Benson: That's 'cause you carry it for me.
- Elliot Stabler: Heh...
- Det. Elliot Stabler: [sees Warner enter the restaurant where he and Olivia are eating lunch] An ME out of the lab? It must be big.
- M.E. Melinda Warner: I got the report back from the contents of the vomit.
- Det. Olivia Benson: Am I going to want to stop eating for this?
- M.E. Melinda Warner: Roast beef, mozzarella cheese, corn and raisins. Luckily, it had only been in the stomach a few hours, so it was only partially digested.
- Det. Olivia Benson: All right, I'm done.
- [pushes her salad away. Elliot shrugs and takes it]
- Det. Olivia Benson: Your one night as a bachelor and you go to the grocery store? That's lame.
- Det. Elliot Stabler: [shrugs] A grocery store with strippers.
- Olivia Benson: You're under arrest for attempted kidnapping and reckless endangerment. You have the right to remain silent. If you give up that right, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.