Ernest Borgnine credited as playing...
Mermaid Man • Mermaid Man Doll
- Mermaid Man: That guy over there used to be the Atomic Flounder. I know he doesn't look like much now, but he could go back to crime
- [snaps fingers]
- Mermaid Man: just like that
- [Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy chuckle; SpongeBob suddenly tackles the Atomic Flounder]
- Atomic Flounder: Help, somebody there!
- SpongeBob: You're under arrest, Atomic Flounder!
- Mermaid Man: No, lad! Don't!
- SpongeBob: But you said he could turn back to crime
- [snaps fingers]
- SpongeBob: like that.
- Atomic Flounder: What? Get off me! If I weren't retired I'd... I'd... Roar!
- [Breathes radiation on Barnacle Boy's face, burning it]
- Atomic Flounder: ... do that.
- Barnacle Boy: Uh Mermaid Man?
- Mermaid Man: Yes Barnacle Boy?
- Barnacle Boy: We're not in the invisible boat mobile are we?
- Mermaid Man: Uh. Nope.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Why are you here to rescue little old me?
- Barnacle Boy: Pipe Down! You're gonna wake Mermaid Man and he's ornery when his nap is disturbed.
- SpongeBob SquarePants: Ever alert Mermaid Man has trained himself to sleep with his eyes open.
- Barnacle Boy: Con funded! Get away from him!
- Mermaid Man: Stop shouting i'm napping!
- Barnacle Boy: It's not me you old coot!