SpongeBob SquarePants (1999– )
Bill Fagerbakke: Patrick Star, Patrick, Customers, Crowd, Anchovies, Customer, Customer #1, Customer #2, Fish #3, Kids, Audience, Fish #1, Fish #107, Fish #2, Cop #1, Fish #6, Fish Guy, Cop, Customer #3, Customer #5, Customer Fish, Dad, Fish #4, Fish #41, Fish #42, Male Fish, Male Fish #1, Art Appraiser, Bottomites, Citizens, Clams, Driver, Fish, Fish #106, Fish #108, Fish #27, Friend #1, Green Fish, Guard, Loch Ness Monster, Male Fish #2, Nematodes, Old Man, Patron #1, Sea Bunnies, Self, Steve, Swat Member #2, Trucker, Urchins, Acorn Monster, Alarm, Alaskan Bull Worm, Anchor Man, Anchovy #2, Angry Crowd, Angry Fish, Angry Male Driver, Animal Control Fish, Animal Control Officer, Animatronic Elves, Another Fish, Assistant, Audience Member, Audience Members, Ball, Bank Customer, Barker, Barnacle #1, Bartender, Beachgoers, Bearded Fish, Big Crab, Big Squid, Bingo Announcer, Blue Snail, Boat Driver, Bouncer, Boy #1, Brown Fish, Bubble Cop, Bubble Gramps, Bubble Guy, Burglar, Bus Passenger, Business Fish, Business Fish #2, Businessman, Busy Worker #2, Captain Scarfish, Carnie, Caroler #1, Cave Patrick, Cavey, Chairs, Choir, Clerk, Clown, Clown #1, Clowns...
Patrick : The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma.
[thought bubble for Patrick shows a carton of milk tipping over and spilling]
[SpongeBob appears on the horizon]
Sandy Cheeks : Here, Patrick. Have a Krabby Patty.
Sandy Cheeks : Psst. There he is Patrick, say your line.
Patrick : [picks up paper] Why thank you, Sandy. Take Patty. Too bad SpongeBob isn't here to enjoy this. These are his favorite.
[on the verge of tears]
Patrick : Take bite.
SpongeBob SquarePants : You okay Patrick?
Patrick : Finland!
Squidward : Okay i want everyone to stand in straight rows of five.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Is this the part where we start kicking?
Squidward : No SpongeBob. That's a chorus line.
Patrick : Kicking? I wanna do some kicking!
[kicks Sandy]
Sandy Cheeks : Ow! Why you...
[gets into a fight with Patrick]
Patrick : [screams loudly]
Patrick : Who ever's the owner of the white sedan you left your lights on.
Patrick : Breakfast!
Patrick : Listen up SpongeBob Secret Stealer Pants! If you ever come near my secret box again, we won't be friends anymore!
SpongeBob SquarePants : But we're supposed to be friends forever.
Squidward : I was trying to take a nap over here!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Hang on Squidward. Patrick was just about to figure out where this last piece of this puzzle goes. Weren't you Patrick?
Patrick : Who's the green guy?
Squidward : It's the last piece of the puzzle! There's only one place it can go right here!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward! It wasn't your turn! That's cheating.
Squidward : Cheating? It's a jigsaw puzzle you can't cheat!
SpongeBob SquarePants : He didn't call them Mr. Krabs. We did. I needed some help investigating the accident. Right buddy?
Patrick : Breakfast. Green. Finland.
Patrick : Oh boy that was some party! Oh hey SpongeBob! Hey Junior! What? What?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh nothing.
Patrick : Oh what a relive for a second there I thought you'd be mad at me.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Do you remember what you said to me this morning?
Patrick : Something about root beer right?
SpongeBob SquarePants : No.
Patrick : Oh wait let me guess let me guess! I give up!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Does you can take the night off pal ring a bell?
Patrick : I don't need this.
SpongeBob SquarePants : What? Where do you think you're going?
Patrick : I'm going back to work!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Work?
Patrick : He got hit in the head with two coconuts!
SpongeBob SquarePants : So this is work?
Patrick : You know it's not as easy as it looks. Sometimes i gotta move the antenna, sometimes i lose the remote and sometimes my butt itches real bad.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh you poor poor thing. By the way you forgot you briefcase!
[opens up the briefcase showing sweet desserts and dumps them on Patrick]
Patrick : Oh. So this is the thanks i get for working overtime!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Overtime?
Patrick : Yeah overtime pal! You know what that means? It means working when you're too tired to work! You just keep going on working and working!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh boy yeah you're working ! And that's the kind of work you're doing? Show me where to sign up for it because i've been working my fingers to the bone! You never helped! Never!
Patrick : Do i get my reward yet?
SpongeBob SquarePants : You have to work for it remember?
Patrick : Tarter sauce!
Squidward : All right you two! Out! And don't even think about jogging your empty skulls for the rest of the day! Or tomorrow or next week
SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward does that include...
Squidward : Yes it does!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Gee Patrick. Do you think Squidward was trying to tell us something?
Squidward : Yes i was! You call yourselves good neighbors? You're the worst neighbors ever! You don't deserve to wear these fezzes!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Gee Pat. Maybe President Squidward's right.
Patrick : Yeah. I guess we're not good neighbors after all.
Squidward : No you aren't! You're horrible neighbors! And stop calling me president!
French Narrator : A slow day at the Krusty Krab.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Hey Squidward check this out. Two ordinary krabby patties but when expertly tossed with the skill of a champ they become...
Patrick : A one-way ticket to pain!
Patrick : It's a game! It's a game!
SpongeBob SquarePants : So this is work?
Patrick : You know it's not as easy as it looks. Sometimes I gotta move the antenna, sometimes i lose the remote and sometimes my butt itches real bad!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh you poor poor thing. By the way you forgot your briefcase!
Patrick : Oh so this is the thanks I get for working overtime?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Overtime!
Patrick : Yeah overtime pal. You know what that means? It means working when your just too tired to work You just keep going on working and working!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh boy yeah you're working and that's the kind of work you're doing? Show me where I can sign up for this because i've been working my fingers to the bone! You never help! Never!
SpongeBob SquarePants : This just isn't adding up.
Patrick : Pudding?
SpongeBob SquarePants : We must be missing something. Patrick we're gonna need help more then it ever means you.
Squidward : Only 364 days and nine years left until i exchange this concrete tomb for a multi story ocean liner cruise.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Hey Squidward.
Squidward : SpongeBob.
Mr. Krabs : The boy and i just thought we'd stop by and check on our convict friend.
Squidward : Call me what you may, fact of the matter is i found out the mystery customer's name first so i win. I win i win i win i win i win!
Mr. Krabs : Enjoy your prize.
Squidward : Whoo-hoo-hoo! Tropical vacation here i come!
Mr. Krabs : Vacation? Who said anything about a vacation?
Squidward : What? In the brochure it specifically mentions an ocean liner vacation.
Mr. Krabs : Oh, you mean that brochure. Well that was the prize. The brochure. It was taking up too much room in me drawers you know. So it's your prize.
Squidward : You mean no vacation?
Mr. Krabs : Nope, just the brochure. Well got to get back to counting me loot. Enjoy your new prize Squidward.
SpongeBob SquarePants : See you on the outside in ten years buddy.
Squidward : [laughs crazy as he rips up the brochure] Oh well at least I'll have some peace and quiet for the next ten years.
Patrick : Hey Squidward. Parcheesi?
Patrick : Ice cream! Did somebody say ice cream?
Patrick : Plankton's wrath tastes like ice cream.
Patrick , SpongeBob SquarePants : Thanks Plankton!
Plankton : Ice cream? It shoots ice cream? Oversized ice cream maker!
Patrick : These are some ugly looking fish.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Maybe we're near one of those toxic wast dumps.
Mr. Krabs : I think i'm gonna be sick.
Squidward : You two morons sunk my house!
Patrick , SpongeBob SquarePants : We're sorry!
Patrick : What's hide and seek?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Patrick do you think Squidward's taking this all too far?
Patrick : He's only a block away.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Gee. Patrick sure is a heavy sleeper.
Patrick : Huh? Who said that? Who's there?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Uh.
Patrick : It's the clam burglar! And he's stealing my secret box! Hand over the good secret box bandit and prepare for the most unpleasant pillow fight of your life!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Wait wait wait Patrick stop! It's me SpongeBob!
Patrick : Nice try burglar but SpongeBob's my best friend and he'd never steal from me!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Whoo-hoo! I'm flying! Yee-haw!
Patrick : Hey SpongeBob! I can't believe you can actually fly like you said in your letter!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Patrick? You're Pen Pal?
Patrick : Duh!
SpongeBob SquarePants : But... but you said you were dying! You're not dying!
Patrick : Dying? Oh oh! You didn't read the whole letter!
SpongeBob SquarePants : See it says i wish i could watch you because i am dying!
Patrick : And here's the second page! To see you as a real pilot SpongeBob. Here are some other things i like to see: candy rain a firetruck full of clowns and a bunch of other stuff
SpongeBob SquarePants : It all makes sense now! Oh Patrick!
Patrick : You thought i was dying!
Mr. Krabs : All right you leave me no choice!
Patrick : Your giving me a rase?
Mr. Krabs : Not even close. You're fired. As long as i'm still standing you'll never wear this hat again.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Patrick are you okay?
Patrick : Well i guess it's back to being no hat Pat.
SpongeBob SquarePants : It's okay Patrick not everyone is equipped to bear the awesome weight of responsibility that a uniform hat represents. But you can wear mine anytime you want.
Patrick : Really?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Sure thing pal.
Patrick : Thanks SpongeBob! You're the best!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Anytime pal. Anytime.
Patrick : I love toys!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Pick up order!
Patrick : Do i get my award yet?
SpongeBob SquarePants : No you have to take the tray to the costumer. Almost try again and make sure the food gets to the table.
Patrick : Like that?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Nope.
Patrick : Barnacles!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Let's try something else. All you have to do is answer the phone.
Patrick : Aye aye captain.
Patrick : I'm not a krusty krab.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Uh Patrick that's the name of the restaurant.
Patrick : Huh? Doh fish paste!
SpongeBob SquarePants , Patrick : Ew! Ugh! He inked!
Squidward : Well pardon my anemone.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Here lies the nose of Patrick Star. Rip. Well this is terrible. All Patrick wanted to do was be like the rest of us and we punished him for it.
Squidward : Who cares? At least now that pink moron will leave us alone.
Patrick : I heard that!
Squidward : Why don't you two go climb the rope? I'm sure it goes somewhere far away! Now look what you've done!
SpongeBob SquarePants : We didn't do it Squidward. Our hands are clean!
Patrick : Clean!
SpongeBob SquarePants : I am SpongeBob destroyer of evil!
Patrick : Take it easy. It's just a drawing.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward! You decided to join the party
Patrick : Party!
Squidward : Let me out of here.
SpongeBob SquarePants : We were just gonna play some party games.
Patrick : Tag you're it
SpongeBob SquarePants : Tag you're it
Patrick : Tag you're it
Squidward : I gotta get out of here.
SpongeBob SquarePants , Patrick : Go Squidward! Go Squidward!
Squidward : There's no way to climb out of here.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Maybe if you had more upper arm strength.
Patrick : Yeah you should work out more.
Squidward : Well why don't i just start right now? After all i got a couple of dumbbells right here.
Patrick : I don't get it.
Squidward : Could you not stand so close? You're making me claustrophobic.
Patrick : What does claustrophobic mean?
SpongeBob SquarePants : It means he's afraid of Santa Claus.
Squidward : No it doesn't
Patrick : Ho ho ho!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Stop it Patrick! You're scaring him!
Patrick : Ho ho ho!
Squidward : It's not working Patrick.
Patrick : Darn.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Um Squidward you're standing on my foot.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oops sorry SpongeBob.
Patrick : And you got your elbow in my ribs.
Squidward : Ew! Patrick!
Patrick : And stop stepping in my potato salad!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Hey hey hey guys?
Squidward : Stop pushing me Patrick.
Patrick : You mean like this?
Squidward : No like this!
SpongeBob SquarePants : You shouldn't fight in here! This is a magical place.
Squidward : Patrick get off of me! I told you I am claustrophobic!
Patrick : Nice try Squidward but there's no Santa Claus here!
Squidward : Patrick!
Patrick : Hey SpongeBob what's with all the ruckus?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Take a look for yourself Patrick.
Patrick : It's the evil doodle!
SpongeBob SquarePants : No no not evil. He was just a two dimensional creature lost in our three dimensional aquatic world longing for a purpose.
Patrick : So... He's a drawing?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Exactly! See how happy he is?
Patrick : He still looks kind of creepy.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh hi Squidward. Up from your slumber I see. Well you're just in time to endure in a friendly game of indoor miniature golf!
Squidward : I will not indulge in anything friendly or otherwise with the likes of you two! And presently I am heading back to enjoy a well-deserved mid morning nap!
Patrick : Aw. But we sculpted your likeness out of butter on hole five.
Squidward : I don't care! Listen up I will not be woken from my nap again and if I am I'm gonna...
Patrick : Join us on the back nine?
Squidward : Just don't let it happen again! Or else.
Squidward : That's it I'm done!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward? What are you doing in the Fishtraps house?
Squidward : You idiots! It's not the Fishtraps house, it's your house and that is still Patrick's house! You just saw a commercial that's all!
Patrick : So is Nick Fishkins gonna live in my house?
Squidward : He doesn't live in the houses he buys.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Well if he doesn't live in them what does he do with them?
Squidward : He flips the houses you dimwits! He buy houses then resells them for a profit! He flips houses for a living!
Patrick : He flips houses for a living?
Squidward : Yes! And i'm calling Nick Fishkins right now to come over and flip my house so i can move away!
Patrick : The artist needs a lunch break.
SpongeBob SquarePants : All right Patrick we gotta get started painting this wall with the permanent paint we aren't allowed to get on anything but the wall. Well here we go.
French Narrator : One hour later...
SpongeBob SquarePants : Just a few more seconds of mental preparation and i'll be painting this wall.
French Narrator : Two hours later...
SpongeBob SquarePants : I'm getting to the painting.
French Narrator : Three hours later...
Patrick : Can you move it along? I'm all out of time cards.
SpongeBob SquarePants : No problem. Here I go.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Uh Patrick that's not the backscratcher that's my arm.
Patrick : Oh sorry.
Sandy Cheeks : Don't you have to be stupid somewhere else?
Patrick : Not until four.
Patrick : [seeing a crowd of real people at a football stadium] These are some ugly looking fish.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Maybe we're near one of those toxic waste dumps.
Mr. Krabs : I think I'm gonna be sick.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Squidward we found your brother.
Squidward : Ha ha! You urchin brains! I've never had a brother!
SpongeBob SquarePants : You do now!
Patrick : Two brothers. Us!
Sandy Cheeks : [after SpongeBob breaks his bottom] Oh! That's gotta hurt!
Patrick : Do it again! I wasn't looking!
Ice Cream King : Are you the exterminator?
Patrick : No I'm not the extragator.