- BasementRejects.com - Season 1 [JPRoscoe]
- Cartoon Buzz [Crystal Lynn]
- CHUD.com - Heroes of Bikini Bottom [Michael Rabattino]
- CHUD.com - Season 5, Vol. 2 [Troy Anderson]
- Combustible Celluloid - SpongeBob SquarePants Christmas [Jeffrey M. Anderson]
- Common Sense Media [Emily Ashby]
- digitallyObsessed! - Halloween: Five Spooky Sea Tales [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - Sea Stories [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - Season 1 [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - Sponge for Hire [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - SpongeGuard on Duty [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - Tales from the Deep [Rich Rosell]
- digitallyObsessed! - The Seascape Capers [Rich Rosell]
- DigitalVD.de - Vol. 3 [Detlef Kurtz]
- German
- DigitalVD.de - Vol. 6 [Tino Hahn]
- German
- DVD Talk - 10 Happiest Moments [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Absorbing Favorites [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk - Christmas [Jason Bovberg]
- DVD Talk - Extreme Kah-Rah-Tay [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Fear of a Krabby Patty [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk - Friend or Foe? [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Ghouls Fools [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Halloween [Mike Long]
- DVD Talk - Heroes of Bikini Bottom [Francis Rizzo III]
- DVD Talk - Home Sweet Pineapple [Francis Rizzo III]
- DVD Talk - It's a SpongeBob Christmas! [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - It's a SpongeBob SquarePants Christmas [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - It's a SpongeBob SquarePants Christmas! Blu-ray [Neil Lumbard]
- DVD Talk - Karate Island [Mike Long]
- DVD Talk - Legends of Bikini Bottom [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Lost at Sea [Ron J. Epstein]
- DVD Talk - Lost in Time [Mike Long]
- DVD Talk - Nautical Nonsense and Sponge Buddies [Jason Bovberg]
- DVD Talk - Patrick SquarePants [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Pest of the West [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Sea Stories [Jason Bovberg]
- DVD Talk - Seascape Capers [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk - Season 1 [Jason Bovberg]
- DVD Talk - Season 2 [Jason Bovberg]
- DVD Talk - Season 4, Vol. 1 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 4, Vol. 2 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 5, Vol. 1 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 5, Vol. 2 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 6, Vol. 1 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 6, Vol. 2 [Paul Mavis]
- DVD Talk - Season 7 [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk - Sponge for Hire [Francis Rizzo III]
- DVD Talk - SpongeBob Goes Prehistoric [Ian Jane]
- DVD Talk - SpongeBob vs. the Big One [Ian Jane]
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