I think this is the game that was released for the original Nintendo system. Loosely based on the movie it was a game where you went through various stages side scroll style fighting many of the Joker's henchmen. No other villains from the Batman universe are present during the game, but they do have some off the wall bosses like this one dude who was fire or something to that effect. Most of the game was jumping and trying to get from here to there. There was also fighting which was your basic punching and an array of throwing type weapons. This game had an engine similar to Ninja Gaiden. From what I remember you do not get to drive the Batmobile or pilot the Batjet, but I think you see them in cut scenes. You remember the cut scenes in most Nintendo system games don't you? You end up seeing basically a picture with a little movement in it to sort of mimic animation. This is a game I sadly could not win as a child, I remember the clock tower at the end being a nightmare to traverse for me as it had gears and was a big pain to get all the way up it. I did manage to make it to the top a couple of times only to have the Joker totally own me in the final battle. Was not a great game, but it was a good rental.