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  • This is perhaps the best of all adaption of Delia Fiallo's Cristal. It's biggest strength is it's three main antagonists, all of which I can't decide who is the better one, the story somehow manages to at times make you feel pity for some of them despite their misdeeds, but they don't overshadow the just as talented four main protagonist actors, they all bring such greatness that there really is no right answer on who is the actual male or female lead between the four, all of which commit a few sins themselves. This is another strength of the story, the good and bad characters are not so black and white which is what I see nowadays with Mexican telenovelas. As mentioned earlier in this review, sometimes you find yourself sympathizing for the villains and at times feel let down by heroes. The only complaint is that there will come a time in the full story where about seven or some episodes are just a bunch of memories from the story, it was actually the most frustrating part and seemed like a lazy attempt to add episodes. Nevertheless I am willing to forgive them for creating a wonderful story with unforgettable characters and plot twists.
  • This is undoubtedly the best Mexican novela I have ever seen. The acting is superb and the writing is equally as good. As for the director, she is very aggressive and often uses techniques and angles usually not found in telenovelas. It is simply - a great viewing experience.

    As I write this, the story unfolds towards the climactic finish at a heart-pounding pace. It is in its final weeks but it is still worth a look-see for those interested in what American soaps wish they were.
  • Having seen many South American telenovela's over the years I would say this is simply the best. It contains all the classic ingredients -two lovers separated by circumstances, family secrets and regrets, and evil characters that will not stop at nothing to get what they want...There is also an overtly religious theme about the will of God throughout the story. Both Helena Rojas and Adela Noriega as Luciana and Cristina give moving performances as good as you would see in any cinema production. They are supported by an excellent cast of both likable characters and those that you will love to hate - especially the crazy Tamara and the priest's even crazier mother! For enjoyment, excitement and sentimentality I cannot recommend it enough!
  • Yes very nice i cry when i saw this novela and i can really tell someone made a really great job at making this show
  • I am very sorry to say this but some remakes are not worthy at all. If you had seen the Venezuelian version of this soap opera, the incredible "Crystal", you'd understand what I am saying. This pale version of a wonderful story is completely sunk by the mediocre performances of the 'senior' actors. Andres Garcia is the most dramatic case as he and some of his colleagues in this production seem to be needing immediate acting courses. I am also very disappointed by Helena Rojo who gives to her character a total immature perspective which lacked in the brilliant and spiritual performance of the amazing Lupita Ferrer. In fact, this Mexican version cannot stand the comparison. The only two actresses who give their best are Cynthia Klitbo and Jacqueline Voltaire. They add to their mother-daughter relationship all the characteristics of a strained love affair. Besides, they are tragic and funny at the same time. But the worst of all, I think, is the miscasting of the leading couple. While Adela Noriega cannot convince anyone that she is a model or a responsible mother, her partner, Rene Stickler, is completely lost in his boring grimaces, never getting to know what his role is in this love story. I longed for the desire, passion and chemistry displayed in every chapter by Jeannette Rodriguez and Carlos Mata in the original version. And even though Mexican girls are not at all as beautiful and exuberant as the Venezuelian actresses, I think that the characters of Lorenza and Lisbeth deserved more accomplished professionals. Where are Mariela Alcala and Gigi Zanchetta when we need them?
  • Watching this in 2022 and it is impossible to watch.

    The religious nutters, the crazies, all the crying in every episodes.... It must have been very exhausting to play any characters as the main thing they do is either shout or cry.

    I used to love telenovellas but this is one of the worst ones.
  • Warning: Spoilers
    The full series scores a definite 10 for everything: Story, casting, production values, and engagement of the audience. If the DVD set were only two hours longer...

    On the eve of Juan Vellarde's entrance to a seminary, he yields to temptation and makes love to Luciana, a pretty maid in his parents' home. When she discovers six weeks later that she is pregnant, his mentally ill, religious fanatic mother throws her out and prevents him from finding this out. She is homeless when giving birth, so in desperation she leaves the baby in front of a gated house in an affluent suburb.

    22 years later when Luciana is a successful fashion designer, her long-lost daughter comes to her company and is hired as a model. She immediately draws the attention of her stepbrother, who also works for Luciana. Padre Juan is transferred back to Mexico City and Luciana encounters him and his mother when visiting the orphanage to give her regular (generous) donation. A sinister man from Luciana's past also turns up and -- as always in Mexican novelas -- the truth will come out and play dominoes with everyone's emotions.

    Helena Rojo and Adele Noriega are perfectly matched as Luciana and Christina. Their mother-daughter chemistry equals the degree to which they look as though they could be related and clearly led to their being cast in the same relationship in AMOR REAL. The other stand-out performances in this production belong to the late Marga Lopez as the mad Ana Joaquina who stops at nothing -- including murder -- to torment Luciana and prevent her from reclaiming her daughter, Cesar Evora as the noble Padre Juan whose simple life of serving God becomes complicated with emotions he never expected to feel, and to Cynthia Klitbo as Tamara, the woman who selfishly interferes with Christina's happiness. Enrique Rocha, normally the primary villain, takes a back seat to the females of that species in this series. His Nicholas is almost harmless by comparison.

    The DVD includes the original title song and enough of the story to make sense, although viewers of the original series will be disappointed at the shortened prologue. the omission of some of the most marvelous confrontations between Luciana and Ana Joaquina and the lack of "epiloque" where we learn the latter's fate.

    Watch for this one on late-night TV or another daypart on another Univision-owned network.