The Fairly OddParents (2001–2017)
Rob Paulsen: Mark Chang, Bucky McBadbat, King Grippulon, Gary, Computer Voice, Ed Leadly, Mr. Burkenbake, Adrenaland Employee #2, Adrenaland Employee #3, Bankee Coach, Buccaneer, Cop, Cowboy #1, Delivery Guy, Dirtybeard, Doctor, Elf, Eliminator #7, Fairy Leibowitz, Fairy Mason, Game Hunter, Government Agent #1, Hairy Hobo, Judge, Kid 1, King Grippullon, King Gripullon, Mailman, Male Stomach Flu, Mark, Milkman, Monster Emergency Response Man, Mr. Leadly, Nerd #3, Other Bob, Pettiness, Physicist, Player #1, Policeman, President, Pultron, Science Teacher, Skating Announcer, Squirrel, Suit Guy #2, Swamp Monster, Thug, Tour Guide, Walt Kidney, William Hung, Zambonious
Chester's Dad : [crying] Without that tooth, you look just like your momma.