In "The Big Problem!" Timmy wishes he was an adult, only to lose his fairies as he's not a child anymore and in "Power Mad!" Timmy's friends accidentally get trapped in a magic video game and Timmy must save them.
Timmy and friends want to stage a reenactment, and Timmy wants an authentic alien creature for it. Timmy's teacher, Mr. Denzel Crocker, calls for a conference with Timmy's parents for a suspicious show-and-tell project.
Timmy wants to get the attention of popular girl Trixie Tang, but she rejects him for not being as popular as her. In order to study the human body, Cosmo and Wanda shrink Timmy so that he can explore Vicky's body, but chaos soon ensues.
Timmy wishes for a time-travelling scooter so he can stop Dad from ever winning it. Timmy is forced to travel to Fairy World when Cosmo leaves Wanda due to a misunderstanding.
Timmy meets his favorite superhero, The Crimson Chin, but the discovery that he is fictional sends the hero into a deep depression. Timmy wishes to switch brains with Vicky's dog Doidle.
Timmy makes the wish to break free Chompy and blaming to Vicky but he feels guilty. Timmy gets bullied for his large buck teeth, so he wishes for everyone to look the same. This turns everyone into gray, unrecognizable blobs.