When Ross and The Cook go to the truck stop to pick up "ingredients", they run the car into a sign bending it backwards. When they leave the truck stop, the sign is straight again.
When April is tied up, before Ross leaves the first time, the blood on her nose is inconsistent between cuts.
While the cops are waiting to go in and bust Frisbee, his bicycle is seen leaning up against the trailer. This is before he had made his arrival on the bicycle.
When Ross arrives to The Cook motel room, by the time that Nikki is going to work to the strip club, The Cook is wearing black and white sneakers, then right ahead, after threatening Ross, is wearing cowboy boots.
The brown Volvo has a sunroof inside the car in the beginning, but not on the outside, on the roof. Later in the movie, there is a sunroof both inside and outside of the car
Methamphetamine is depicted as causing constricted pupils; in reality speed causes the pupils to dilate.
When Ross uses a payphone to call Amy from the bus station, the switch hook on the phone remains in the down position when he removes the handset (and throughout his call), making it impossible to place a call.
When Spider Mike throws Frisbee out of the house, he calls him "Fugit" which is the actors real surname.
After Ross and Cook return to the motel after picking up Cook's "supplies" from the truck stop errand run, Cook walks into the Motel room empty handed without his case of supplies or anything else he picked up on from their multi stop errand.