- [last lines]
- The Cook: [telling a story to Ross, whose asleep in the passenger seat] I remember the time, I tell ya, I was about... I was little... I don't know, four, five years old, something like that. We had this old dog... and it had a litter of puppies... and I walked in the bathroom one day and my mother was standing there... kneeling down. Dog had a litter of about eight and my mother was bending over and she was killing each one of these little puppies in the bathtub... and I remember I said, "Why?"... She said, "I'm just killing what I can't take care of"... Then my momma said to me... she looked at me and she said... "I wish I could do that to you"... Maybe she... maybe she shoulda.
- Nikki: [revealing to Ross that she has a son] The state took him away. It's weird, cause stuff happens and you don't really notice it while it's happening... life is sort of passing by. I held him once. Yeah, he felt so nice in my arms. And then they took him away. And I'm gonna hold him again. I'm gonna hold him real tight. I'm gonna hold him so tight that no one can ever take him away from me ever again.
- Cookie: You know you better get back here and fuck me you bastard, if you wanted me to come up with any kind of dinner!
- [first lines]
- Ross: Spoof. Dope. Crank. Creep. Bomb. Spank. Shit. Bang. Zip. Tweak. Charred. Call it what you will. It's all methamphetamine. That's what I'm here for.
- The Cook: [at a porn shop] No, that's an example what I don't like; that there is a loose ass, there's nothing more I hate than goddamn loose asses!
- The Cook: She can't handle her shit, man. You know? She's been, like, partying with the candy for ten, eleven days. And then the bitch crashes, and then she starts freaking out. Man, you know, she'll split for a day or two then she'll come back. She's just spun.
- Spider Mike: Frisbee, Frisbee, sex and travel, man. I told you to sex and fucking travel, right? Take a fucking hike, you understand?
- Spider Mike: Who is it?
- Fat Boy: It's just me, Spider.
- Spider Mike: Hey. Go away, fat boy!... I said, go away, fat boy!
- Fat Boy: Okay, okay. I'll see you later.