Crossing Jordan (2001–2007)
Jerry O'Connell: Detective Woody Hoyt
Woody : Looks like man vs. city bus. You can guess the outcome.
Woody : I'd appreciate if you handle this with a little bit of sensitivity. I don't know if you know this or not, but I'm up for a promotion this year. So if word got out...
Nigel : Woody, Woody, Woody... I promise that I will keep an open mind, okay? And anyway sensitivity is my middle name.
[opens the door]
Nigel : [shouts] Sweet Mary in the manger!
[looking for the victim's husband]
Landlord : Maybe he's at work.
Woody : His wife never came home last night. Would you go to work the next morning?
Landlord : Yeah, but you haven't met my husband.
Devan Maguire : I've always been a good judge of character. I read people very well and I don't think he's guilty.
Woody : I'm a pretty good judge of character too Devan. I had you pegged didn't I?
Devan Maguire : Don't tell me... Pushy, driven...
Woody : And sometimes intolerable. See... Impressive isn't it?
Danny McCoy : [upon arriving at a suspect's locked door] I can pick that lock in like, five seconds.
Woody : Really? 'Cause I can do it in like, one.
[kicks door in]
Jordan : That's it? You've got nothing to say to me.
Woody : Nope.
Jordan : Woody, you lied to me. You betrayed my trust. You used me.
Woody : At least I didn't rat you out.
Jordan : No. You said this was about us, that you needed closure so you could move on.
Woody : Oh, come on, Jordan, does it always have to be about you?
Jordan : Oh, you need help Woody.
Woody : I don't need help. Especially not from you.
Michael Stackhouse : She got shot.
Woody : Yes, she did. In the line of duty. You know what that is, duty?
Michael Stackhouse : When you go to the bathroom in your pants?