Anger Management (2003)
January Jones: Gina
Dr. Buddy Rydell : Dave assaulted a female flight attendant in mid-air.
Stacy : Nice.
Gina : I bet you beat her good.
Dave Buznik : I didn't beat anybody. I touched a woman...
Chuck : Liar, bullshitter, you're a WOMAN BEATER! And you can't admit it, because you're a deluded piece of garbage!
Dave Buznik : I don't know about all that but... now I know why you're here.
Stacy : We're in the adult film industry.
Gina : And we're lovers.
Stacy : Yeah. One day, Gina was having sex with this Filipino guy Milo which was totally cool cause it was in the script.
Gina : And then I asked Milo back to the house with us, which is cool cause we like a little variety...
Stacy : So in the middle of our session, I look up and I see Gina kissing Milo on the mouth which is totally NOT cool because it violates our threesome code of ethics!
Gina : So Stacy bit my toe off.
Stacy : Then Milo freaks out and calls me a crazy skank...
Gina : And nobody talks to my bitch that way.
Stacy : That's right.
Gina : So I stapled his lip shut.
Stacy : And here we are.
Dave Buznik : Well, we've all been there.
Dave Buznik : Let me ask you guys something. Because of your profession, you probably have seen a lot of them. Does size count at all, or is that just some weird thing guys think about?
Stacy : Alright you see this is where Gina and I always get into a heated debate. I like them when they're really big.
Gina : And I think it's better when they're enormous.