I like to occasionally go onto YouTube and use the search terms 'failed television pilots'. A few of them, such as "Lookwell", are classics that SHOULD have been given the green light. Many of them, frankly, suck. Which is the case with "Legally Blonde".
With the success of the film "Legally Blonde" and "Legally Blonde 2" coming out in 2003, it's not too surprising that the networks would consider a weekly television series. Apparently, folks didn't love it and the show never went beyond this pilot episode.
As you'd probably expect, the television version re-cast the characters from the movie...mostly because the stars would have been too expensive and have other commitments. The folks they hired seemed pretty spot on...and I think they got the characterizations.
While I was not bowled over by the show (perhaps because it was much like a condensed version of the first film), it wasn't bad and if it had been approved for the network, I might have watched it. Not bad.