Cars (2006)
Owen Wilson: Lightning McQueen
Lightning McQueen : He's won three Piston Cups!
Mater : [spits out fuel] He did WHAT in his cup?
Lightning McQueen : Float like a Cadillac, sting like a Beemer.
Lightning McQueen : [to Minny and Van, who are leaving] I'm telling you, you gotta help me! Don't leave me here! I'm in hillbilly hell! My IQ's dropping by the second! I'm becoming one of them!
Mater : I knew it! I knowed I made a good choice!
Lightning McQueen : In what?
Mater : My best friend.
Sally : Forty years ago, that interstate down there didn't exist.
Lightning McQueen : Really?
Sally : Yeah. Back then, cars came across the country a whole different way.
Lightning McQueen : How do you mean?
Sally : Well, the road didn't cut through the land like that interstate. It moved with the land, it rose, it fell, it curved. Cars didn't drive on it to make great time. They drove on it to have a great time.
[first lines]
Lightning McQueen : Okay, here we go. Focus. Speed. I am speed. One winner, forty-two losers. I eat losers for breakfast. Breakfast? Maybe I should have had breakfast? Brekkie could be good for me. No, no, no, focus. Speed. Faster than fast, quicker than quick. I am Lightning.
Lightning McQueen : Doc, hold it! Seriously, your driving's incredible!
Doc Hudson : Wonderful. Now go away.
Lightning McQueen : Hey, I mean it. You've still got it!
Doc Hudson : I'm asking you to leave.
Lightning McQueen : Come on. I'm a racecar, you're... a much older racecar, but under the hood, you and I are the same.
Doc Hudson : We are not the same! Understand? Now, get out!
Lightning McQueen : How could a car like you quit at the top of your game?
Doc Hudson : You think I quit?
[Turns a light on a framed newspaper headline: "CRASH! Hudson Hornet out for season"]
Lightning McQueen : Right. Your big wreck in '54.
Doc Hudson : They quit on me. When I finally got put together, I went back expecting a big welcome. You know what they said? "You're history." Moved right on to the next rookie standing in line. There was a lot left in me. I never got a chance to show 'em. I keep that to remind me never to go back. I just never expected that that world would... would find me here.
Lightning McQueen : Hey, look, Doc, I'm not them.
Doc Hudson : Oh yeah?
Lightning McQueen : No, I'm not.
Doc Hudson : When was the last time you cared about something except yourself, hot rod? You name me one time and I will take it all back. Uhuh, Didn't think so. These are good folk around here, who care about one another. I don't want 'em depending on someone they can't count on.
Lightning McQueen : Oh like you? You've been here how long and your friends don't even know who you are? Who's caring about only himself?
Doc Hudson : Just finish that road and get outta here!
The King : What are you doin', kid?
Lightning McQueen : I think the King should finish his last race.
The King : You just gave up the Piston Cup, you know that?
Lightning McQueen : Ah. This grumpy old race car I know once told me somethin': it's just an empty cup.
Doc Hudson : [Doc and Lightning are racing in the dirt] Yeeehaa! Well, you sure ain't no dirt boy.
Lightning McQueen : Not today, old man. I know all your tricks.
[Doc suddenly swerves off screen]
Lightning McQueen : [looking for him] Doc! Doc?
Doc Hudson : [Flies over Lightning] YEEEHAAAAA! Not ALL my tricks, rookie!
Lightning McQueen : You know, I've really missed you Sally.
Sally : Well, I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand, and blah blah blah blah...
[Both lean in to kiss]
Mater : McQueen and Sally, parked beneath the tree, K-I-S-S- uh... I-N-T!
Lightning McQueen : Great timing, Mater!
Lightning McQueen : I create feelings in others that they themselves don't understand.
Lightning McQueen : I thought you said you'd never come back.
Doc Hudson : Well, I really didn't have a choice. Mater didn't get to say goodbye.
Mater : GOODBYE! Okay, I'm good.
Lightning McQueen : Oh, I am SO not taking you to dinner.
Sally : That's OK, Stickers. You can take Bessie.
Mater : Oh, man, you get to work with Bessie! I'd give my left two lugnuts for somethin' like that!
Lightning McQueen : Will you stop that?
Mater : Stop what?
Lightning McQueen : That driving backwards. It's creeping me out. You're gonna wreck or something.
Mater : Wreck? Shoot! I'm the world's best backwards driver! Just watch this right here, lover boy.
Lightning McQueen : I'm a very famous race car!
Luigi : You are famous race car? A real race car?
Lightning McQueen : Yes, I'm a real race car, what do you think? Look at me.
Luigi : I have followed racing my entire life, my whole life!
Lightning McQueen : Then you know who I am. I am Lightning McQueen.
Luigi : Lightning McQueen!
Lightning McQueen : Yes! Yes!
Luigi : I must scream it to the world, my excitement from the top of someplace very high. Do you know many Ferraris?
Lightning McQueen : No, no, no, they race on the European circuit; I'm in the Piston cup.
[Luigi and Guido frown at McQueen]
Lightning McQueen : What?
Luigi : Luigi follow only the Ferraris.
[he and Guido drive away]
Mater : [after Lightning loses the case and is sentenced to repair the road] Hey, I know this may be a bad time right now, but you owe me $32,000 in legal fees.
Lightning McQueen : What?
Lightning McQueen : In your dreams, Thunder.
Chick Hicks : Yeah, right. Thunder? What's he talkin' about, Thunder?
Lightning McQueen : Well, you know, because Thunder always comes after... Lightning!
[reporters crowd around McQueen]
Chick Hicks : [to his pitcrew] Who here knew about the Thunder thing?
The King : Hey, buddy. You're one gutsy racer.
Lightning McQueen : Oh, hey, Mr. The King.
The King : You got more talent in one lugnut than a lot of cars has got on their whole body.
Lightning McQueen : Really? Oh, that -...
The King : But you're stupid.
Lightning McQueen : Excuse me?
Sally : Do you wanna stay at the Cozy Cone or what?
Lightning McQueen : Huh?
Sally : I mean, if ya do, you gotta be clean, because even here, in hillbilly hell, we have standards.
Doc Hudson : I'll put it simple: if you're goin' hard enough left, you'll find yourself turnin' right.
Lightning McQueen : [sarcastically] Oh, right. That makes perfect sense. Turn *right* to go *left*. Yes, thank you! Or should I say No, thank you, because in Opposite World, maybe that really means thank you.
[Lightning's done a sloppy job of repaving the road]
Sally : It looks awful.
Lightning McQueen : Well it matches the rest of the town.
Lightning McQueen : [up on the car lift] All right, Luigi, give me the best set of black walls you've got.
Luigi : [brings him down] No, no, no! You don't-a know what you want! Luigi know what you want. Black-wall tires, they blend into the pavement, but these white-wall tires, they say look at me, here I am, love me.
Lightning McQueen : All right, you're the expert. Oh, and don't forget the spare.
Luigi : Perfecto. Guido!
Guido : Pit Stop!
Luigi : Ha ha ha, what did Luigi tell you, eh?
Lightning McQueen : Wow, you were right, better then a Ferrari, huh?
Luigi : Eh, no.
Lightning McQueen : [Fillmore has introduced him to organic fuel] Wow, this organic fuel is great! Why haven't I heard about it before?
Fillmore : It's a conspiracy, man! The oil companies got a grip on the government. They're feedin' us a bunch of lies, man!
Lightning McQueen : I'm a precision instrument of speed and aerodynamics.
Mater : You hurt your what?
Lightning McQueen : Turn right to go left! Guess what? I tried it, and you know what? This crazy thing happened - I went right!
Lizzie : You keep talkin' to yourself, people will think you're crazy.
Lightning McQueen : [sarcastically] Thanks for the tip!
Lizzie : Uh - what? I wasn't talking to you!
Lightning McQueen : After a while, why didn't you go back?
Sally : I fell in love.
Lightning McQueen : [disappointed] Oh...
Sally : Yep.
Lightning McQueen : Corvette?
Sally : Just passin' through?
Lightning McQueen : Actually, I thought I'd stop and stay awhile. I hear this place is back on the map.
Sally : It is?
Lightning McQueen : Yeah, there's some rumor floating around that some hotshot Piston Cup racecar is setting up his big racing headquarters here.
Sally : Really? Ah, well, there goes the town.
Lightning McQueen : [seeing Sally for the first time] Holy Porsche...
[McQueen is going to surprise Sally with his new look]
Mater : Here she comes!
Lightning McQueen : Okay, places, everybody! Hurry! Act natural.
[McQueen hides and everybody else gets in a perfectly straight line as Sally approaches]
Mater , Ramone , Flo , Luigi , Sarge , Fillmore : Hi, Sally!
Sally : All right, what's going on?
Sally : Hey there, Mater.
Mater : Howdy, Sally!
Sally : Hi, folks!
[crowd murmuring greetings back]
Lightning McQueen : [to Mater] You know her?
Mater : She's the town attorney - and my fiancée.
Lightning McQueen : What?
Mater : [nudges McQueen playfully] I'm just kiddin'. She jus' likes me for my body.
Lightning McQueen : [Bursts into Doc's clinic] Hey, have you seen the Sheriff?
[Sees Sheriff on the hydraulic lift, his undercarriage exposed]
Lightning McQueen : Oh! Oh, my gosh!
Doc Hudson : Hey, What are you doin'?
Sheriff : Get a good peek, city boy?
Lightning McQueen : I-I just needed my daily gas ration from the Sheriff.
Doc Hudson : Wait for him at Flo's. Now, get out of here.
Lightning McQueen : I've been trying to get out of here for three days!
Sheriff : Hope you enjoyed the show!
Doc Hudson : Sign says "Stay Out".
Lightning McQueen : You have three Piston Cups! How could you have...
Doc Hudson : I knew you couldn't drive. I didn't think you couldn't read.
Lightning McQueen : You're the Hudson Hornet!
Doc Hudson : Wait over at Flo's like I told ya.
Lightning McQueen : Of course, I can't believe I didn't see it before. You're the Fabulous Hudson Hornet! You still hold the record for most wins in a single season. Oh, we gotta talk. You gotta show me your tricks, please.
Doc Hudson : I already tried that.
Lightning McQueen : And you won the championship three times. Just look at those trophies!
Doc Hudson : You look. All I see is a bunch of empty cups.
Lightning McQueen : I need to get to California pronto. Where am I?
Mater : Where are ya? Shoot! You're in Radiator Springs, the cutest little town in Carburetor County.
Mater : [Out tractor tipping] I tell you what, buddy, it just don't get better than this.
Lightning McQueen : Yep, you're living the dream, Mater boy.
Mater : You know, I once knew this girl Doreen. Good-looking girl. Looked just like a Jaguar, only she was a truck! Y'know, I used to crash into her just so I could spoke to her.
Lightning McQueen : What... are you talking about?
Mater : I dunno.
Lightning McQueen : How will I ever find anyone else who knows how to fill me up with gas? Adios, Chuck!
Not Chuck : And my name is not Chuck!
Lightning McQueen : Oh, whatever.
[repeated line]
Lightning McQueen : Ka-chow!
Lightning McQueen : Officer, talk to me, babe. How long is this gonna take? I gotta get to California, pronto.
Sheriff : Where's your lawyer?
Lightning McQueen : I don't know. Tahiti, maybe? He's got a time share there.
Sheriff : When the defendant has no lawyer, the court will assign one to him. Hey, anyone wants to be his lawyer?
[Everyone backs up except Mater]
Mater : Shoot, I'll do it, Sheriff!
Luigi : My friend Guido, he always dream of giving a real race car a pit stop.
Guido : Peet stop?
Lightning McQueen : Hey, it's only one lap, guys. Uno lappo. Don't need any help. I work solo mio.
Luigi : Fine. Race your own way.
[leaves; Guido stays]
Lightning McQueen : No pit stoppo. Comprende?
Guido : Okay.
Lightning McQueen : [to Sally] Shall we cruise?
Lizzie : [appears from nowhere] Why, thank you, dear, I'd love to!
Lightning McQueen : No, not...
[Lizzie drags McQueen away]
Mater : My name is Mater.
Lightning McQueen : Mater?
Mater : Yeah, like tuh-mater, but without the "tuh."
Lightning McQueen : [Tar falls on his bolt sticker] Aw, man, that's just great!
Mater : Hey, what's wrong?
Lightning McQueen : My lucky sticker's all dirty.
Mater : Ah, that ain't nothin'. I'll clean it for ya.
[Starts snorting and hacking]
Lightning McQueen : No, no, no, no! That won't be necessary.
Lightning McQueen : Okay, you got me out here. Where are we going?
Sally : I don't know.
Lightning McQueen : Whoa, whoa, whoa! How long is this gonna take?
Doc Hudson : Well, if the fella does it right, it should be about five days.
Lightning McQueen : Five days? But I should be in California shmoozing Dinoco right now!
Doc Hudson : Then if I were you, I'd quit yappin' and start workin'!
Lightning McQueen : Harv! How you doin', buddy?
Harv : My star client disappears off the face of the earth! How do you think I'm doing?
Lightning McQueen : Harv,I can explain.
Harv : I'm doing great! You're everywhere! TV, radio, the papers. You can't BUY this kind of publicity! What do you need me for? That's just a figure of speech, by the way. You signed a contract.
Doc Hudson : All right, I wanna know who's responsible for wrecking my town, Sheriff. I want his hood on a platter! I'm gonna put him in jail 'til he rots. No, check that... I'm gonna put him in jail 'til the jail rots on top of him, then I'm gonna move him to a new jail and let that jail rot. I'm...
[Doc finally spots Lightning]
Doc Hudson : Throw him outta here, Sheriff! I want him out of my courtroom, I want him out of our town! Case dismissed!
Lightning McQueen : Yes!
Mater : Boy, I'm pretty good at this lawyerin' stuff!
Lightning McQueen : [about Doc] Crazy grandpa car.
Lightning McQueen : Whoa, whoa, whoa! Who's touching me?
[Guido pops up]
Lightning McQueen : Hey, do I spy a little pinstriping tattoo back there?
Sally : [gasps and backs away, knocking over a bunch of caution cones] Oh, that. You saw that?
Lightning McQueen : [to a Peterbilt] Hey, you're not Mack!
Peterbilt : Mack? I ain't no Mack, I'm a Peterbilt for dang sake! Turn on your lights, ya moron!
Dusty Rust-eze : Aw, we love ya! And we're lookin' forward to another great year, just like this year!
Lightning McQueen : [closes Mack's door] Not on your life.
The King : You just gave up the Piston Cup, you know that?
Lightning McQueen : This grumpy old race car now once told me something.
[over Doc's comm]
Lightning McQueen : It's just an empty cup.
Sally : So, Stickers. Last one to Flo's buys?
Lightning McQueen : I don't know. Why don't we just take a drive.
Sally : Hmmmm... Nah.
[races off]
Lightning McQueen : Yeah! Ka-chow!
[follows after Sally]
Mater : What's your name?
Lightning McQueen : You... you don't know my name?
Mater : No, uh... no, I know your name. Is your name Mater too?
Dusty Rust-eze : Thanks to you, Lightning, we had a banner year!
Rusty Rust-eze : I mean, we might even clear enough to buy you some headlights!
Dusty Rust-eze : Are you saying he doesn't have headlights?
Rusty Rust-eze : That's what I'm tellin' ya - it's just stickers!
Lightning McQueen : [bored monotone voice] Well, you know, race cars don't need headlights, because the track is always lit.
Dusty Rust-eze : Well, so is my brother, but he still needs headlights!
Harv : Where are you? I can't even find you on my GPS.
Lightning McQueen : I'm in this little town called Radiator Springs. You know Route 66? It's still here!
Harv : Yeah, that's great, kid. Playtime is over, pal.
Lightning McQueen : Mack, thanks for being my pit crew today.
Mack : Ah, don't worry about it, kid. It's the least I could do. After all, gas can is my middle name.
Lightning McQueen : It is?
Mack : Eh, not really.
Lightning McQueen : [about Red, who just ran away after McQueen asked a favor of him] Where's he going?
Mater : Oh, he's just a little bit shy, and he hates you for killin' his flowers.
Lightning McQueen : [at the Rust-eze post-race event, in a bored monotone] You know, the Rust-eze Medicated Bumper Ointment team ran a great race today. And remember: with a little Rust-eze - and an insane amount of luck - you too can look like me. Ka-chow.
Lightning McQueen : [Sheriff is following him] Oh, no. Oh, maybe he can help me!
[Loud bangs are heard]
Lightning McQueen : He's shooting at me! Why is he shooting at me?
[the bangs are actually Sheriff's tailpipe backfiring]
Sheriff : I haven't gone this fast in years. I'm gonna blow a gasket or somethin'.
Lightning McQueen : [to Red the fire truck] Hey! Hey, big fella! Yeah, you in the red! I could use a little hose down. Help me wash this off.
[Red backs away nervously]
Lightning McQueen : Where's he goin'?
Mater : Oh, he's just a little bit shy, and he hates ya for killin' his flowers.
Harv : Listen, they're giving you, uhh, 20 tickets for this tiebreaker thing in LA, I'll pass them onto your friends, just give me the names and Harv will sort everything out for you! Ok mate?
Lightning McQueen : Great, friends! Yes, there's umm...
[McQueen takes a long pause]
Harv : Oh kay, I get it Mr. Popular, so many friends you can't even narrow it down! Hey, when you get to town you better make time for your "Best friend", I mean, we're family let's break some bread!
Lightning McQueen : Yeah yeah that would be great! We should totally...
Harv : Yeah yeah whatever, listen take care mate I've gotta go bye!
[hangs up the phone]
Sarge : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH! It took 22 hours long before I got stuck on the slide!
Lightning McQueen : Holy sherbert, Sarge! What is going on here?