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  • "Hollywood Sex Symbols" is a thrown together mess featuring some - certainly not all - of Hollywood sex symbols from the 1920s through the 1970s - in about 42 minutes. The footage is of poor quality and of little interest. In the beginning, as the commentator talks about Hollywood glamor and the beautiful people, there is a clip of three men standing outside of the Oscars - all unrecognizable, and one of them looks like Dwight D. Eisenhower. The commentator then announces the name of the program as "Hollywood'S Sex Symbols" while the chiron says "Hollywood Sex Symbols." Right away you know you're in trouble.

    Most stars get between 30 seconds and 1 minute, with the majority of time spent on Sophia Loren and Marilyn Monroe, although there is one long, dull segment of Bridget Bardot posing for photographers. There are no clips from movies. Everything shown is from press conferences or premiers, or events where the press was present, and the film quality is uniformly bad. The rest of the material is photographs.

    Jayne Mansfield is included; Jean Harlow is not. Rita Hayworth is included; Ava Gardner is not. Clark Gable is included (along with some interesting news - he won an Oscar for Gone With the Wind); Gary Cooper is not. The commentator talks about Rita Cansino and how different she looked before becoming Rita Hayworth, but we only get to see photos of Rita Hayworth in her prime.

    The cast list on the IMDb page lists Charlie Chaplin - must have missed him, but doesn't list Tyrone Power and Errol Flynn, both of whom were included. Since the program was done in 1988, Rock Hudson is omitted.

    Very poor and easily skipped.