King Neptune : [to Spongebob] And as for you, be back with my crown in exactly 10 days.
Patrick Star : [Appears out of nowhere] He can do it in nine.
King Neptune : Eight.
Patrick Star : Seven.
King Neptune : Six
Mr. Eugene H. Krabs , SpongeBob SquarePants : Patrick!
Mr. Eugene H. Krabs : [He and Spongebob attack Patrick]
King Neptune : Six it is then.
Patrick Star : [while being choked by Mr. Krabs] Five?
SpongeBob SquarePants : Patrick, shush!
King Neptune : [bumps into the Krusty Krab sign] Have this pole executed at once.
King Neptune : You have confessed to the crime of touching the royal crown.
Prisoner : Y-yes, but...
King Neptune : BUT WHAT?
Prisoner : B-but it's my job, your Highness. I'm the royal crown polisher!
King Neptune : Well, I suppose I can't execute you. Twenty years in the dungeon it is!
King Neptune : Mindy, what is this?
Mindy : Your crown?
King Neptune : And do you know what it does?
Mindy : Cover up your bald spot?
King Neptune : It's not bald! It's... thinning.
King Neptune : There is nothing else I can do.
Mindy : You can give SpongeBob and Patrick a little more time.
King Neptune : Except give SpongeBob and Patrick a little more ti-ti-ti-ti... What? Mindy, will you butt out? I will not have you stalling this execution!
Mindy : Stalling? I'm not stalling anything.
King Neptune : Yes, yes you are. You're doing it right now.
Mindy : I'm stalling?
King Neptune : Yes!
Mindy : Stalling.
King Neptune : Stalling!
Mindy : I'm stalling.
King Neptune : Yes!
King Neptune : This crown does more than cover a slightly receding hairline. It entitles the wearer to rule the sea. One day, you will wear this crown.
Mindy : [panics] I'm going to be bald?
King Neptune : Thinning! Anyway, the point is, you won't wear it until you learn to rule with an iron fist, like your father.
[puts on the cushion where the crown used to be]
Mindy : Uh, dad? Your "crown"?
King Neptune : What the...? My crown! Aah! Someone has stolen the royal crown!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Doesn't it seem a little harsh to kill someone over a crown?
King Neptune : You don't understand. The crown is a symbol of my king-like authority. And, uh, between you and me... my hair is thinning a bit.
SpongeBob SquarePants : Oh, Your Majesty, I'm sure it's not that noticea...
[Sees Neptune's bald head]
SpongeBob SquarePants : Bald! Bald! Bald!
Fish : MY EYES!
King Neptune : All right, all right!
SpongeBob SquarePants : Sorry to rain on your parade, Plankton.
Plankton : Oh, don't worry about me. My parade will be quite dry, under my... umbrella!
[pulls on a chain]
SpongeBob SquarePants , Mindy , Patrick Star : Umbrella?
[a Chum Bucket bucket helmet drops on Neptune]
Mindy : Daddy, no!
Plankton : Daddy, yes!
[pushes button on remote]
King Neptune : [Bucket activates] All hail Plankton.
Mindy : I'm going to be bald?
King Neptune : Thinning!
Mindy : So, you think... I'm...
[King Neptune is clenching his fists, about to explode with fury]
Mindy : ... stalling.
King Neptune : [snaps] Aah! Where am I, in Crazytown? I have had enough of this nonsense!
[slams his trident against the floor]
King Neptune : You are to wait in the carriage, until the execution is done!
King Neptune : You are to wait in the carriage until the execution is done!
Mindy : [goes to the door] But Daddy...
King Neptune : NOW!
[She goes outside. King Neptune puts a lock on the door]
Mindy : [bashes the door] No, no, no! Oh, SpongeBob, wherever you are, you better hurry!