67 of 207 found this moderate
Implied sex scene between Jane and John in the beginning, they make out in the rain, and the scene cuts to Jane on the bed, covered in a blanket so NO nudity is shown.
There's a scene where a woman is dressed as a dominatrix and is whipping a tied up man and he grunts while this is happening. This is quick as it turns into a fight scene, but she continues to wear the revealing outfit for a few minutes after, where you can see her cleavage.
A few sexual references and innuendos.
A woman assassin approaches her target dressed in a tank top
The director's cut contains a more explicit love scene between John and Jane Smith. no nudity is shown during the extended sequence. The scene was trimmed for a PG-13 rating.
58 of 89 found this moderate
Countless scenes depicting physical fights between the two title characters.
An assassin shoots several other men very quickly with his pistols. Minor blood.
A rocket launcher is fired at one person while another person is surrounded by exploding charges, but neither is injured.
A violent car chase where many gunshots are fired and anonymous bad guys are injured. No blood or gore.
Several dramatic explosions throughout.
Extreme graphic violence. Severe. Husband and wife brutally punch kick and shoot at each other. All of these scenes are very graphic.
A man is hit by a car and the has his body run over by the car.
Level of violence 9.8/10 explicit violence.
PG-13 violence type: blood and graphic.
52 of 96 found this moderate
Frequent misuses of "Jesus" and "Christ".
'B*tch' is said at least four times.
'P*ssy' is said once as an insult.
'Sh*t' is said.
'F*ck' is said once.
61 of 79 found this mild
A man drinks from a flask.
Several men drink from beer bottles while playing poker.
A wife has martinis ready for herself and her husband when he comes home. The husband then pours a glass of wine for his wife. Neither drink any.
A man shakes a shaker to make a mixed drink.
A woman takes a shot.
A man and a woman drink alcohol at a restaurant.
42 of 81 found this mild
The fight scene between a husband and wife is very violent and may be difficult for some viewers. The film is supposed to be somewhat light, so the characters are in little real danger.
The many killings and deaths throughout may be difficult for some viewers.
Almost constant violence throughout, including combat, shooting, and explosions.
Through much of the movie the main characters are on the run and in mortal danger.
A woman detonates a bomb on an elevator she believes her husband to be riding in. The audience knows he's OK, but she doesn't.
A lot of the action may be intense.