Inglourious Basterds (2009)
Mike Myers: General Ed Fenech
Lt. Archie Hicox : What should we drink to, sir?
General Ed Fenech : Down with Hitler!
Lt. Archie Hicox : All the way down, sir.
Lt. Archie Hicox : Lieutenant Archie Hicox reporting, Sir!
General Ed Fenech : General Ed Fenech. At ease, Hicox. Drink?
Lt. Archie Hicox : If you offered me a Scotch and plain water, I could drink Scotch and plain water.
General Ed Fenech : Attaboy, Lieutenant. Make it yourself like a good chap, will you? The bar's in the globe.
Lt. Archie Hicox : Something for yourself, Sir?
General Ed Fenech : Whiskey, straight. No junk in it.
General Ed Fenech : [reading Lt. Hicox's personnel file] It says here you speak German fluently?
Lt. Archie Hicox : Like a Katzenjammer Kid.
General Ed Fenech : And your occupation before the war?
Lt. Archie Hicox : I'm a film critic.
General Ed Fenech : List your accomplishments?
Lt. Archie Hicox : Well, sir, such as they are, I write reviews and articles for a publication called 'Films & Filmmakers.' As well as our sister publication.
General Ed Fenech : What's that called?
Lt. Archie Hicox : 'Flickers Bi-Monthly', and I've had two books published.
General Ed Fenech : Impressive. Don't be modest, Lieutenant. What are their titles?
Lt. Archie Hicox : The first book was called 'Art of the Eyes, the Heart, and the Mind: A Study of German Cinema in the Twenties.' And the second one was called 'Twenty-Four Frame Da Vinci.' It's a subtextual film criticism study of the work of German director G. W. Pabst.
Lt. Archie Hicox : [he hands the General a whiskey] What should we drink to, sir?
General Ed Fenech : Down with Hitler.
Lt. Archie Hicox : All the way down, sir.
General Ed Fenech : [On the Germans attending the film premiere] We have all our rotten eggs in one basket. The objective of Operation Kino: blow up the basket.