703 of 1227 found this mild
One character kisses another (incredibly brief).
Guns are pointed to the testicles.
Brief but very non graphic sex scene between Goebbels and his 'translator'. The scene contains intense thrusting and screaming for around 4 seconds. There is no nudity. This moment happens at 49:35 in the film.
One incredibly brief and easy to miss line from Brad Pitt about "pecker sucking." This occurs at 2 hours and 28 minutes into the film.
During the premiere night, as the character is walking down the stairs, a 3-second-ish long frame of a woman dressed like a stripper walks up the stairs, opposite to the character. This is a very small glimpse, but the frame is focused on both the character and the woman.
620 of 677 found this severe
Inside a jail cell, two German soldiers are shot by machine guns with blood spurts. Another German is shot and blown offscreen. One has his throat slit, we see his neck open and lots of blood spilling out.
Several German soldiers are shot up inside a car by machine guns, blood splatters all over the windshield.
A dead German soldier is scalped, shown in full detail.
The most Deaths in any Tarantino movie.
The violence in this movie is graphic, and very gruesome.
Strong graphic violence.
All the violence is very frequent and horrific. When it appears, it's extremely intense, detailed and disturbing. Examples include throat slittings, scalpings, gunshots and other incredibly gruesome moments. Unlike the rest of Tarantino's films, this film has unflinchingly graphic and realistic violence, with no exaggerated blood spurts and it's all portrayed seriously.
An entire Jewish family is shot while hiding under the floor boards. We don't see their bodies. A Jewish girl survives and runs away covered in blood and crying.
Several dead men are scalped by other men wielding large knives. These images are short, but graphic in detail as we see bloody flesh and muscle being brutally cut off from their scalps.
A man beats a German soldier to death by bashing his head in repeatedly with a baseball bat until his head gorily and very graphically explodes. Although we see this from a distance, it is extremely graphic and gruesome. Afterwards, another German soldier is fatally shot in the back while trying to escape.
346 of 654 found this severe
20 uses of the F-word. 16 spoken in English. 4 written in subtitles.
Moderate profanity throughout
Throughout the film, the racial slur "Negro" is used in multiple different languages (however, they are subtitled)
Strong language.
356 of 536 found this mild
Drinking and smoking throughout. Tobacco use indicates the time period. One scene in a bar where characters are drunk.
A man snorts a white powder from a tin.
399 of 560 found this severe
A man puts his Finger in a bloody bullet hole As an act of causing pain. Can be disturbing.
There is lots of brutal violence throughout the film, and while some of it is over-the-top, all of it is extremely realistic as mentioned before.
Colonel Landa may be funny or frightening for some, depending on the viewer. The atitudes taken by the Basterds (like scalping or the swastika in the forehead) can be seen as intense and horrible, but it has a comedic tone.