- Officer Ziva David: Well, you know what they say. You cannot make an omelet without breaking a few legs
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: She's never making me breakfast.
- Special Agent Timothy McGee: Uh, Ziva, it's 'without breaking a few eggs.'
- [repeated line]
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: [making fun of Gibbs to a co-worker, who doesn't respond] He's standing right behind me, isn't he.
- Agent Caitlin 'Kate' Todd: Do people react that way because we're NCIS, or do you just have that effect on them?
- Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: I'd like to think it's me
- [Tony's nicknames for Agent McGee]
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: McAbby - McBackstabber - McBlivious - McBradbury - McCheat - McChittyChat - McChopper - McContrary - McCranky - McCummerbund - McDetail - McEgghead - McFlabby - McFlowerPower - McFreaky - McGarnagle - McGecko - McGeek - McGiggles - McGnome - McGoblin - McGoo - McGoof-up - McGoogle - McGotLucky - McGPS - McGrabby - McGruff - McGullable - McHefner - McKilljoy - McLawyer - McLovin' - McMoneybags - McMonk - McMotherboard - McMuse - McNerd - McNosy - McProbious - McRomeo - McScout - McShipmate - McSnapper - McSneaky - McSofty - McTardy - McTim - McTuitive -McVoodoo - McWorrywart - McZero
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Probie - Probalicious - Probie-Wan Kanobie - Daniel McBoone - The Great McOz - Elf Lord
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: What are you McDoing, McGee?
- Special Agent Timothy McGee: Working on Kales phone records.
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: Thought you already McDid-That?
- [about laws changing over time]
- Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: Politicians have their time table, I have mine.
- Office Worker: What are you people doing?
- Special Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs: [plain] Seizing your files.
- Special Agent Timothy McGee: Are you finished?
- Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo: No, I haven't even started yet.