Frightening & Intense Scenes (10)

  • Moderate
  • Psychological horror and prolonged threat.
  • We see a teen standing on a stump at the edge of the woods to which his back is turned (at night). It's a test of his bravery (other boys watch him), but when eerie howling and growling sounds come from the woods, all of them run back into the village.
  • The creatures in the woods appear to be very tall, they have long sharp claws, the face of a boar with tusks.
  • When one of the monsters spots the girl, it barks at her and they stare at each other about 10 feet apart, the scene is quiet and suddenly the monster springs into action chasing the girl. It is frightening because the attack is sudden and without warning.
  • Several pop-ups of the monsters can be rather frightening.
  • A young man on watch hears thumping on the door of a tower, he opens the door and sees a creature run past below; he rings an alarm bell and the people of the village run in fear to safe rooms under their homes.
  • A creature approaches a young blind woman, and she is grabbed by another man just before being snatched by the creature.
  • A young woman falls into a deep hole, she dangles from tree roots and pulls herself up.
  • We hear screaming, and then two children tell of having seen creatures in the village.
  • A young blind woman is chased by a creature, she hyperventilates and runs in terror. The creature lunges at her twice and then falls into a deep hole.