James Remar credited as playing...
- Larousse: Hey, boss, look who it is! Alfredo Linguini! Renata's little boy! All grown up, eh? You remember Renata. Gusteau's old flame?
- Skinner: Ah, yes. How are you, uh...
- Larousse: Linguini.
- Skinner: Yes, Linguini, so nice of you to visit. How is, uh...?
- Linguini: My mother?
- Skinner: Yes...
- Larousse: Renata.
- Skinner: Yes, Renata. How is she?
- Linguini: Good... well, not... good... She's been better. She's, uh... she...
- Horst: She died.
- Skinner: [attempting to care] Oh, uh, I'm sorry.
- Linguini: Well, don't be. She believed in Heaven, so she's covered... you know, afterlife-wise? Uh...
- [clumsily gives Skinner a letter]
- Skinner: What is this?
- Linguini: She left it for you. I think she hoped it would help... me. You know, get a job... Here?