Curtis Armstrong credited as playing...
Snot Lonstein • Eli Weisel • Snot as S' Assistant
- Barry Robinson: Why are you talking like that?
- Snot Lonstein: Tooooo muuuuuuuchhh Zooooooolooooooftttt aaaaaandd Iiiiiiiiii'mmmmmm stiiiiiiillll soooooo saaaaaaadd...
- Cowboy: [Job Fair] I got into Cowboying because it was manly. Ironically the pressure of riding a horse saddle has destroyed my dick and balls!
- Confectioner: I'm so sick of Candy. Sometimes I go downstairs in the night and eat spoonfuls of salt. I don't love my wife any more.
- Snot Lonstein: Because of the Candy?
- Confectioner: [Looks down] Yes.