Susie Essman credited as playing...
- Mittens: [about people] They pretend they're going to always be there for you, and then one day they pack up and move away and take their love with them, and leave their declawed cat to fend for herself! They leave her, wondering what she did wrong.
- Bolt: [Bolt and Rhino have gone searching for Mittens in an Animal Shelter. Bolt locates her in a cage in the back] Mittens?
- Mittens: [turns around] Bolt? Wh - wha - what are you doing here?
- Bolt: I'm busting you out.
- Mittens: You - you came all the way back here... for me?
- Bolt: Yeah.
- Mittens: But how'd you...? I mean... You don't have any superpowers!
- Bolt: I know.
- Mittens: Really?
- Bolt: Yeah.
- Mittens: Wow. Crazy day for ya, huh?
- Bolt: It's been a lot, yes, it has.
- [pauses, looks up]
- Bolt: Are you ready for this?
- Mittens: No.
- Bolt: Me neither.
- [opens her cage]
- Bolt: Hmm... padlock.
- [stares intensely at the lock while Mittens tries to get away]
- Mittens: Listen Cujo, I got some pretty wicked claws under these mitts, do not, I beg of you, do not make me bring out these bad boys! It gets ugly!
- [Bolt continues to stare at the padlock]
- Mittens: What are you doing?
- Bolt: Stay back! If I stare at the lock really hard, it'll burst into flames and melt.
- [Mittens stares at him for a second]
- Mittens: Now I'm concerned on a number of levels.
- Mittens: [refering to the animal shelter they're being taken to] They always pick the cute ones, the ones that look like you, Bolt, but the rest of us never come back out.
- Louie: Mark my words, Mittens. One day, someone's gonna stand up to you! Someone's gonna teach you a lesson!
- [flies off]
- Mittens: Yeah, I'm really scared now-
- [Bolt jumps in and pins her to a garbage can]
- Bolt: You should be!
- Mittens: Aaah! Okay! You...!
- Bolt: Where is she?
- Mittens: Aaah... Who?
- Bolt: You know why I'm here!
- Mittens: Aaahhh...
- Bolt: Where is she?
- Mittens: Okay, okay! Look buddy, I- I don't know what you're getting at, but...
- [she looks up and sees Joey, Bobby and Vinnie laughing on a telephone wire]
- Vinnie: Come on, Mittens. Just tell the guy where she is. Tell the dog, make him happy.
- Bobby: Yeah, yeah, come on, Mittens! Tell him!
- Mittens: [chuckles briefly] Joey, Vinnie, Bobby, my boys! Would you tell the crazy canine that he's got the wrong cat?
- Vinnie: [pause] You got her, pal!
- Joey: That's her!
- Vinnie: She's the one!
- Joey: That is definitely the right cat!
- [Mittens looks back at Bolt and laughs nervously]
- Bolt: Looks like we're gonna do this the hard way.
- [cuts to Bolt hanging Mittens over a busy highway]
- Mittens: Whoa! Aaah! You're crazy, man!
- [cuts to the pigeons, looking shocked]
- Vinnie: Hey Joey, did we go to far on this?
- Joey: You kidding? This is the best day of my life.
- Rhino: If Bolt's taught me anything, it's that you never abandon a friend at a time of need!
- [starts rolling down the alley]
- Rhino: When your teammate's in trouble, you go! Not caring what dangers you may face, you go! Not knowing if you're coming back dead or alive...
- [rolls out of sight]
- Mittens: He went the other way.
- Rhino: [rolls back] You go! Knowing how deeply the shrapnel's going to pierce your hide, you go...!
- Mittens: [Bolt is leaving the studio lot after witnessing his owner working with another dog due to his absence] Hey Wags!
- Bolt: Mittens? What are you doing here?
- Mittens: Eh, long story short I was tied to a delusional dog and dragged across the country, but that is not important. Now the real question is, what are you doing here and why aren't you in there?
- Bolt: You were right about her, Mittens, she, uh, well... it wasn't real.
- Mittens: No, Bolt, it is real, I was in there just now, I saw her face after you left. She's brokenhearted, she doesn't want just any dog, she loves you. She's your person, Bolt, and you are her dog.
- Mittens: I don't know what's going on here, but I'm just a little bit concerned about the number of lunatics on this trip. My limit is *one.*
- Mittens: [to Bolt] The real world hurts, doesn't it? But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?
- Mittens: Look, genius, you're part of a TV show. You know what that is, television? It's entertainment for people. It's fake! Nothing you think is real is real!
- Bolt: That's preposterous!
- Mittens: Think about it, Bolt: since you got lost, none of your superpowers are working, are they? For the first time, you're hungry, you're bleeding... I mean, do you really think that you were born with a birthmark in the exact shape of a lighting bolt?
- Bolt: It's my mark of power, cat.
- Mittens: It's the mark of a makeup artist, dog!
- Bolt: You're ridiculous. Now get down here!
- Mittens: [ties her leash tighter to the branch she's on] No!
- Bolt: Mittens, so help me, I will super-bark you out of that tree!
- Mittens: Yeah, go nuts. Let's see how that works out for ya.
- Bolt: You leave me no choice.
- [Barks; nothing happens]
- Mittens: [dryly] Oh, the super-bark. Scary, scary. Yeah, that's really, really super.
- Mittens: Louie, what is this?
- Louie: It was a slow week. I mean, that's half of what I got.
- Mittens: [stomach growls]
- Mittens: You hear this, Louie? I'm starving here. And when the old stomach starts talking, it's not talking to me. It's talking to... the claws!
- Louie: Not the claws! Please!
- Mittens: I'm holding these bad boys back as best as I can, but the thing is it's not up to me. The stomach's got a direct line to these babies, and I'm picking up a lot of chatter! So, I'll talk to the claws, but in exchange, next week, all your food comes to me.
- Louie: But that's not our deal! I bring you half, you give me protection! That's our deal.
- Mittens: Yeah, well, the deal just expired. Now, get lost.
- [Bolt's stomach growls]
- Bolt: Ah! What is that?
- Mittens: What?
- Bolt: [stomach growls again] That! Okay, you have two seconds to tell me what you've implanted in me, cat! Poison? A parasite? Poison? Wait, I just said that, didn't I? See, I'm all discombobulated! I can't think straight!
- Mittens: [in disgust] Oh, I don't believe this. You're hungry!
- [Bolt's stomach growls a third time]
- Bolt: [jumps on Mittens] Where is the antidote?
- Mittens: Okay, okay! Alright!
- [Mittens shows Bolt a trailer park]
- Mittens: There's your antidote: food.
- Mittens: Look, I'm gonna let you in on a little secret, okay? A little-known cat secret. You know why we hate dogs? 'Cause we wanna be dogs! We have dog complexes.