- San Francisco Chronicle [Ruthe Stein]
- USA Today [Claudia Puig]
- The Village Voice [Ella Taylor]
- Screen It! (spoilers)
- FlickFilosopher.com [MaryAnn Johanson]
- A Film A Day [Sonia Cerca]
- A Nutshell Review
- Abus de ciné [Olivier Bachelard]
- French
- Aller au cinema
- French
- Animated Views - 3D Blu-ray DVD Combo [Ben Simon
- Animated Views - Blu-ray/DVD [Ben Simon]
- Animated Views [James R Whitson]
- Animation Italy
- Italian
- At Filmnomenon [Eternality Tan]
- Austin Chronicle [Marc Savlov]
- AVForums (3D Blu-ray) [Simon Crust)
- Balbi.de - Micha's Filmboulevard
- German
- BasementRejects.com [JPRoscoe]
- Ben Meyers International Movie Critics
- Big Picture Big Sound - Blu-ray Review [Grant Clauser]
- Big Picture Big Sound [Karen Dahlstrom]
- Bigfanboy.com [Gary Dean Murray]
- Bill's Movie Emporium [Bill Thompson]
- Bill's Movie Emporium [Bill Thompson]
- Bina007 Movie Reviews
- Bio.nu
- Swedish
- Blu-ray.com 3D [Kenneth Brown]
- Blu-ray.com [Kenneth Brown]
- Blu-rayDefinition.com - Blu-ray 3D [Brendan Surpless]
- Bullz-Eye - Reviews for Guys [David Medsker]
- Carstairs Considers [Mark]
- Chicago Tribune [Matt Pais]
- Chicago Tribune [Michael Phillips]
- Christian Science Monitor [Robert Koehler]
- Christianity Today
- Cine Visiones [Jacobo Bautista]
- Spanish
- Cine61 [Michel Toronaga] (Brazilian Portuguese)
- Cinecaps Digest
- CineClandestino.it [Raffaele Meale]
- Italian
- Cineclub.de [Robert Hauer]
- German
- Cinefacts
- German
- Cinefantastique Online
- Cinefantastique Online Blu-ray Review
- Cinema Autopsy [Thomas Caldwell]
- Cinema Dave
- Cinema Verdict [Clark Douglas]
- Cinema2000
- Portuguese
- Cinemadebuteco.com.br [Joubert Maia]
- Portuguese
- Cinemafantastique [Winslow Leach]
- French
- Cinemagazine [Monica Meijer]
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