36 of 85 found this moderate
The series has moderate to strong sexual innuendos some people may not understand, most are subtle. There are frequent jokes about masturbation, casual sex and affairs. A few characters have slept with underage teenagers. Sexual tension is a frequent theme in the series, there are affairs, hookups and casual sex.
One of the main characters is a rape victim.
Another character is known for her promiscuity and is frequently called "the neighborhood slut"
Only one instance of nudity in the series when a woman is seen nude in the street and she covers herself with some pieces only full side female nudity is seen and its 0 graphic
Brief topless scenes of main female characters.
[The Complete Sixth Season]
There are some references to a woman's gay son's relationship with his partner.
In addition, a lesbian relationship develops between a woman and another woman.
Besides verbal references, there are scenes of intimacy between two women.
[The Complete Eighth and Final Season]
23 of 33 found this moderate
Murder is a frequent plot device. Characters get shot, run over, bludgeoned, beaten and stabbed. Domestic fights sometimes happen, most are fist-fights between males.
Some characters are shot in the head. Moderate blood is used. Non-graphic violence, but the terms are more realistic.
Suicides are shown. There are cat-fights mostly for comic relief.
23 of 32 found this mild
Words like "Whore", "Hoe", "Slut", "Skank" etc. Are used frequently.
Anatomical and sexual references are fairly common. Semi-frequent uses of "bitch," "ass," and "bastard." "Damn," "hell," and "god" are also often said.
17 of 32 found this mild
There are occasional marijuana references. One side-character is a cocaine dealer. A young character gets into a drug problem. In early season 1 a character abuses prescription pills. One character is an alcoholic. Drinking is commonly seen on the show.
In season 4 a character goes through opiate painkillers addiction.
A character in season 1 is referenced to be using black-tar heroin.
17 of 30 found this mild
(Deleted. Personal opinions about ratings are not appropriate for the Parents Guide.)
Domestic tension may upset more sensitive viewers. There are some shocking and suspenseful plots mostly involving revenge, attempted murder, psychological warfare, chases, physical confrontations and beatings.
Some disturbing content is prolific throughout the series involving death, suicide, murder, self-destruction, dark personalities and some unsavory pasts.
[The Complete Sixth Season]
[The Complete Eighth and Final Season]