Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends (2004–2009)
Grey Griffin: Frances 'Frankie' Foster, Frankie, Duchess, Goo, Fluffer Nutter, Flo, Kid, Little Girl, Mac and Terrence's Mom, Berry, Flutter Nutter, Jenny, Lady, Louise, Security System, Teacher, Wife, Young Girl, Baby, Baby #2, Baby #3, Baby Brother, Baby Friend, Back-Up, Barry Bling, Big Fat Baby, Blonde Girlfriend, Chanda, Clerk, Consuela, Cop 3, Crying Child, Cuphead Friend #1, Elderly Woman, Eurotrish, Flea #4, Fluffernutter, Francis 'Frankie' Foster, Frankie Foster, Friend #3, Friend #6, Girl, Girl Cousin, Girly Friend #2, Gloo, Heiress, Hot Babe, Iris Chambers, Janet, Jerry, Jones, Kid #4, Kid B, Kid F, Kindly Lady, Lauren, Librarian, Little Boy Voice, Little Kid, Mac's Mom, Mac's Teacher, Mama, Mandy, Mom, Mother, Mouth Friend, Mrs. McGee, My Pet Donkey, Myrtle, Nancy, Nemesis, Old Bird, Old Lady, Old Woman, Older Woman, Pink Squirrel Friend, Prickly Friend, Puppy, Random Customer #3, Sales Girl, Sally Linda, Sara Cryer, Snotty Woman, Stevie, Stupid the Talking Dog, TV Wife, Teardrop Friends, Tiny Counterpart, Tiny Friend, Upside-Down-Face Blooregard, Winnie, Woman
[Talking about Mr. Herriman]
Frances "Frankie" Foster : I'll never understand why my sweet, lovable grandmother imagined that stingy stick-in-the-mud!
[Bloo is trying to break up Frankie's date with Dylan by posing as her ex-boyfriend]
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Why, Frankie! Fancy meeting you here! How long has it been?
Frances "Frankie" Foster : [spits out her drink] Bloo?
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Why, Frankie, you old girl! I can't believe you still call me that... term of endearment!
[Dylan raises an eyebrow, blinks twice]
Frances "Frankie" Foster : [to Dylan] Heh-heh, heh-heh, uh... don't listen to this maniac!
[to Bloo]
Frances "Frankie" Foster : What are you doing here, Bloo?
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Why, I'm on a dinner date! And please, call me by my first name - Orlando!
Frances "Frankie" Foster : [narrating] Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends is a wonderful, funderful imagination habitation. We provide food, shelter and a warm heart for imaginary friends looking for a place to call *home*. So if you know of or have an imaginary friend that desperately needs a home, then come on down to Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends, where good ideas are not forgotten.
Frances "Frankie" Foster : I sowwy Mr. Hewwiman. I've been a bad girl.
Duchess : And to what do I owe the unwelcomed intrusion of Bloo and boy?
Mac : Please, your Duchessness. I'm late, Bloo's hungry, and we're lost. Can you tell us how to get downstairs?
Duchess : Yes.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Cool.
[Duchess resumes eating]
Mac : Um... hello?
Duchess : What?
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Aren't you gonna show us the way down?
Duchess : No.
Mac : But you said...
Duchess : You asked if I could, and I can. You didn't ask if I would, and I won't.
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Why I oughta... and I will!
Frances "Frankie" Foster : Look at those Friesian cows, they're so cute.
Frances "Frankie" Foster : Shut up, shut up, shut up! Oh my gosh, oh my gosh!
Frances "Frankie" Foster : Hi, I'm a stupid, lazy door. I'm so stupid and lazy, I won't even OPEN UP!
Goo : [slaps Mac's butt] Now *you're* the wildebeest!
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Oh, it's you, Heather...
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : I dunno, you look like a Heather to me.
Berry : [being tied to a giant rubber band ball for the second time] Why does this keep happening to me?
Frances "Frankie" Foster : It's fangtastic! I love it!
Coco : Co-co-coco-co-co-co-coco-coco-coco-coco-coco!
Frances Frankie Foster : But, I'll never be president.
Wilt : Hey, fans! The samurai is a canine!
Mac , Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : What? I can't hear you, Wilt! Can you please say that again?
Wilt : The Samurai Is a Canine!
Pizza Delivery Man : Hey, Mac! What you gonna do?
Maid : What you gonna do when they come for you!
Frances "Frankie" Foster : Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy! Signore, can we go to Copenhagen, Stockholm, Oslo, Helsinski and Lapland?
Mac , Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo , Wilt , Eduardo , Coco , Frances "Frankie" Foster , Madame Foster , Mr. Herriman : It's time to build a trope. Let's build it, let's build it now!
Coco : Coco-coco-co!
Eduardo : Hola! I am Eduardo!
Mac : Hi, it's me, Mac!
Frances "Frankie" Foster : Hey there, I'm Frankie!
Madame Foster : Hey! Yes, it's me!
Wilt : Say hi! Let's say hello!
Mr. Herriman : How y'all doing?
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : Hey, guys!
Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo : High five!
Mac : You'll just have to say, in three, two, one,
Mac , Blooregard "Bloo" Q. Kazoo , Wilt , Eduardo , Coco , Frances "Frankie" Foster , Madame Foster , Mr. Herriman , Goo : Funtastic!