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  • Illyngophobia4 January 2008
    I used to love seeing this show as a kid on the MTV/MTV2 line-ups along side shows like Wonder Showzen, Viva La Bam, Homewreaker and many others. High School Stories gives us the real life accounts of former high school students who pulled big pranks on their schools; some silly, some funny and others are just weird! Some of their stories ranged from switching the things in one classroom out with the ones from the class next to it, bringing live farm animals in, and streaking during a football game.

    I don't know if they still air this, but it would be nice to see again. High School Stories is what got me excited to enter high school as a little kid, hoping we'd be on the show for pulling the biggest prank in the history of our town.

    The show gets a 10/10 for me. It's always fun to see what kids these days pull on their peers and teachers!
  • As I reviewed your comment, I realized when you speak about how stupid and mindless high school students are you are really speaking about yourself since you don't know how to spell or use proper English. "aloud to graduate" please, it should be "allowed", students "steel" things??? - What are they Superman?? How about "steal" things. Students behaving badly is just as inexcusable as students proving that they have wasted their opportunity to learn when it was presented to them. You should be embarrassed to post any comments with such poor spelling and misuse of the English language. Please, take the time to stay in school and actually pay attention in English class. Don't rely on the spell checker since it will not pick up these types of errors. Need I go on??