2 of 6 found this moderate
The pandas holding their breath with puffed cheeks underwater may be suggestive to some people.
Some skimpy outfits. Due to it being a online game though it can be pulled for sexual humor and sexual themes to a really strong degree.
Players can remove their armor to reveal almost naked bodies.
5 of 7 found this moderate
Some players attacks can splurt blood out of another player or NPC, you can see it clearly.
Lots of medieval-style violence, but not too violent.
This expansion is much more violent than the previous ones. There are a few quests where you are supposed to dismember whatever individuals you kill. You are provided an item to use to do this, and upon using the item the corpse will turn into a bloody pile with bones sticking out.
Some attacks consist of effects showing blood for as long as the duration of the attack.
The death knight class has an ability called corpse explosion which causes a corpse to explode to do damage to a nearby monster. When this ability is used it results in an animation of chunks of flesh and bones flying apart.
There is a quest which asks that the player locate a missing ally, who is found to be barely alive and dangling from a large hook through his torso. He explains that the plan of the enemy was to feed him to the wolf-like creatures patrolling in the pit below him.
Overall this expansion has included much more graphic violence and intense themes because of the nature of the new storyline.
The first quest the death knight has to complete calls for them to select one of the prisoners in the starting area, release them from their chains, and kill them in cold blood. This quest fits into the storyline, but could nonetheless be viewed as objectionable.
2 of 5 found this moderate
A few uses of "damn", "hell", and "shit" Since this's an internet game, players can use much stronger profanity. However the strong language can be censored.
Alot of players curse in the game from the chat channel but is usually censored for players starting the game, they can turn the censored filter off through options.
There are a few quests in the game which use the words hell and damn, but these terms are used in appropriate context and only seen on rare occasion.
2 of 3 found this moderate
The player can brew potions that grant various buffs. Potion's can be viewed as a fantasy stand in for drugs.
Players can keep drinking beer until their screen becomes blury to show being drunk.
Alcohol consumption is a frequent theme. There is an achievement called "it's happy hour somewhere" which requires the player to drink a number of different alcoholic beverages in-game.
There is a holiday once a year called brewfest which revolves around beer and drinking games.
All of the alcohol related content in this game is light hearted and does not explicity encourage players to drink in real life, but the theme is seen frequently.
1 of 4 found this moderate
Some Creatures could be scary to some.
Players can kill harmless animals (critters) like cats, rabits, pigs, deers etc. It might be frightening for young players to witness it by another player.
This expansion brought with it much more disturbing and adult content. In one quest in particular the player is asked to murder a captive. It turns out that the captive you are to kill is an old relation that helped raise the character when they were a child. This quest is found in the progression for the new Death Knight class, and cannot be skipped. The captive asks if the character remembers them, explains that they cared for you as a child and after a long dialogue you must kill them. This quest is just one of many that carry with it much heavier themes.