- Gnome male: Everyone keeps talking about beer goggles. I can't find the plans for them anywhere!
- Human female: Why does everyone automatically assume I know tailoring and cooking?
- Human male: Your tag's showing. It says, uh, "Made in heaven."
- Tauren male: Moo! Are you happy now?
- Dwarf male: Uh! I'm having a wardrobe malfunction!
- [rip]
- Dwarf male: [boing] Ooooh, there's me hammer.
- Troll male: I kill two dwarfs in the morning.
- Troll male: I kill two dwarfs at night.
- Troll male: I kill two dwarfs in the afternoon
- Troll male: And 'den I feel all right.
- Troll male: I kill two dwarfs in time of peace and two in time of war.
- Troll male: I kill two dwarfs before I kill two dwarfs.
- Troll male: And 'den I kill two more.
- Dwarf female: I like my ale like I like my men - dark and rich.
- Dwarf male: I like my beer like I like my women - stout and bitter.
- Night elf female: Oh, I'm dancing again, heh. I hope all your friends are enjoying the show!
- Orc female: You had me at "zug zug."
- Undead female: I'd paint my toenails, but I'm not sure where they fell off!
- Undead male: Roses are gray, violets are gray - I'm dead and colorblind!
- Undead male: Hey diddle diddle.
- Undead male: The mucas and the spittle.
- Undead male: The corpse sank in the lagoon.
- Undead male: The murloc said
- [eating sounds]
- Undead male: To see such a sight.
- Undead male: And the dwarf spanked the baboon.
- Undead male: if rot was hot, i'd be a volcano!
- Undead female: Yes, they're real, they're not mine, but they're real.
- Orc female: I feel very feminine. And I'll beat the crap out of anyone who disagrees!
- Gnome male: I like big posteriors and I cannot prevaricate!
- High Commander Halford Wyrmbane: Through the valleys and peaks of mount Hyjal, Across the shifting sands of Silithus, Against the Legion's dread armies- we have fought. We are the nameless, faceless, sons and daughters of the Alliance, The first strike belongs to us And the last strike is all that our enemies see. We are the 7th legion
- Highlord Bolvar: ARTHAS! The blood of your father, of your people, demands JUSTICE! Come forth, coward, and answer for your crimes!
- The Lich King: You speak of justice? Of cowardice? I will show you the justice of the grave, and the true meaning... of FEAR!
- King Terenas: My son. The day you were born, the very forests of Lordaeron whispered the name, Arthas. My child. I watched you with pride, as you grew into a weapon. Of rightousness. Remember, our line has always ruled with wisdom, and strength. And I know that you will show restraint, when exercising your great power. But the truest victory, my son, is stirring the hearts of your people. I tell you this, for when my days have come to and end. You, shall be king.
- Illidan: Imprisoned for ten thousand years. Banished from my own homeland. And now, you dare enter my realm? You are not prepared.
- Darion Mograine: Soldiers of the Scourge, death knight's of Acherus, minions of the darknes, hear the call of the Highlord.
- Darion Mograine: RISE!
- Scourgelord Tyrannus: I shall not fail the Lich King. Come and meet your end!
- Blood Elf Male: Give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change. Courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to...
- [angry grunt]
- Blood Elf Male: just give me some freakin' magic before I kill somebody!
- Gnome female: I apologize profusely for any inconvenience my murderous rampage may have caused.
- Draenei Male: What do you mean 'there's an octopus on my face?
- Draenei Female: How do you crash into a planet? That's what I want to know.
- Draenei Female: I have a wonderful recipe! Bring two gnomes, two eggs. Beat the gnomes, separate the eggs... Or was it... Eh! Details.
- Night elf male: I don't mind the gnomes, but I'm always worried about tripping over them.
- Orc male: I come from the orcs, we eat with spoons and forks, we love to eat our pork.
- Blood Elf Female: So I went to this troll spar the other day, and I wound up with dreadlocks and a friggin bone through my nose, I mean come on! Who pays for that?
- Undead male: I'm dead... . and I'm pissed!
- Troll female: If cannabilism be wrong, I don't want to be right!
- Undead female: I don't care that much about romance... . I fell in love before and look what happen to me!
- Orc female: I have no respect for people with small peircings. I say go full hog- put a spear through your head!
- Orc male: Man, dawg, it's like I'm feelin' you, but I'm not feelin' you, y'know?
- Troll female: The way to a man's heart, be through his stomach. But I go through da ribcage!
- Dwarf female: In'rest ya 'n a bite?