45 of 107 found this mild
A woman takes off her top exposing her breasts in the directors cut. Her bare breasts and nipples are shown but it's in dark.
The t800 is naked, but any private parts are hidden with camera angles and smoke and other clever tricks buttocks briefly visible upper body and toros always visible
The only nudity in the film that was released to theaters is a very brief shot of a man's naked butt as his body is being "reassembled". There was another scene filmed where a woman was naked, but that scene was cut from the film for the MPAA to award the film a PG-13 rating. The naked woman scene was restored in the "Director's Cut" of the film which was never released to theaters.
35 of 55 found this moderate
Strong bloody violence
Directors cut shows a bit more blood but not much.
PG-13 violence type: blood, gore and graphic.
Level of violence: 7/10. Strong violent and gory.
We see a lethal injection being administered to a convict on death row.
Several soldiers run through a battlefield, we see dead bodies lying everywhere.
A helicopter is shot down. We see it plummeting to the ground from the point of view of a passenger.
A man fights hand-to-hand with a somewhat dismembered terminator. The man gets punched and thrown around repeatedly, giving him some bloody bruises. The man shoots the terminator with a mounted machine gun, littering it with bullet holes and destroying it.
A huge Harvester terminator attacks a group of people, we see them get violently whisked away by its huge arms and dropped into a storage box.
As people flee from the Harvester, it fires upon several vehicles that are full of people. All of the vehicles are violently blown to pieces in fiery explosions, and while we see nothing graphic, it is assumed that all of the passengers were killed in the attack.
24 of 50 found this moderate
While there is very little use of words that were considered a "swear" word in the movies, the vast majority of those documented words are not only socially acceptable, but are, for the most part, wouldn't even stand out in today's society. There is one instance of someone uttering a phrase that could be taken as the "F word", but since they don't actually say the word or say enough of the word to know exactly what they said, it wouldn't be right to "assume" & include it in this category.
1 nearly indecipherable F-word, 4 uses of hell,4 uses of shit, 3 uses of son-of-a-bitch, 2 uses of damn, 1 use of pissing, 1 use of bastard, 1 use of ass, 1 use of god-damn.
39 of 49 found this to have none
Some characters smoke cigarettes an drink beer
30 of 46 found this moderate