The Flash (2023) Poster

(I) (2023)

Ezra Miller: Barry Allen, The Flash



  • Teenage Barry : Oh. You're... You are, you're...

    Batman : Yeah. I'm Batman.

  • Bruce Wayne : So... I guess the plan is to douse yourself with industrial chemicals while electrocuting yourself?

    Barry Allen : Yep.

    Bruce Wayne : Want some help?

  • Barry Allen : What's the play Batman, what do we do? What now?

    Batman : Now... we try not to die.

    [signals Kara to attack] 

  • Bruce Wayne : So, let's imagine that is is, in face, possible for you to run faster than the speed of light and in so doing, travel back in time. It still would be wildly irresponsible.

    Barry Allen : I knew you were gonna say this.

    Bruce Wayne : Yes, because, Barry, if you were to go into the past, any interaction you have with your parents or yourself, you step on the wrong blade of grass, you have no idea what the consequences to that could be.

    Barry Allen : No, I know. the butterfly effect, right?

    Bruce Wayne : Yes.

    Barry Allen : I get it. But Bruce... I could fix things.

    Bruce Wayne : You could also destroy everything.

    Barry Allen : I could save her. I could save both of them. I... I could save your parents.

    Bruce Wayne : Barry, those scars we have make us who we are. We're not meant to go back and fix them. And there's nothing broken with you that needs to be fixed. Take it from an old guy who's made plenty of mistakes.

  • Barry Allen : [sees a different Bruce Wayne]  Who the fuck is this?

    Bruce Wayne : Hey, Barry.

    Barry Allen : No, what? Where's... No, you can't... You're not Batman.

    Bruce Wayne : What's wrong with you?

  • Bruce Wayne : Tell me something. If you get your powers back, you can go anywhere. You can go to another timeline, another universe. Why do you want to stay and fight for this one?

    Barry Allen : Because this is the world where my mom lives. I went back in time to save her. I'm not gonna lose her again.

  • Barry Allen : Barry, what are you doing?

    [Teenage Barry makes a video of Supergirl flying] 

    Teenage Barry : What? Our kids are gonna wanna see this.

    Barry Allen : Your kids?

    Teenage Barry : Well, you know, like, like, everybody's kids. I mean, the children of the world. They're gonna wanna see this.

  • Bruce Wayne : Interesting group. What did you say, uh... we were called again?

    Teenage Barry : We're the Justice League.

    Barry Allen : No.

    Teenage Barry : No?

    Barry Allen : Well, I mean, kinda. We are short one literal goddess... one friendly Terminator and super mermaid. And we could definitely use a Batman. Are you in?

    Bruce Wayne : You wanna get nuts? Let's get nuts.

  • Barry Allen : Time has a pattern that it can't help reliving. Different people, different worlds, drawn to each other like magnets.

  • Bruce Wayne : So, uh, you're the reason this Zod character is about to destroy the Earth?

    Barry Allen : Maybe.

    Bruce Wayne : There's a guy called Superman who can stop Zod?

    Barry Allen : Yeah, yeah.

    Bruce Wayne : And flies? Shoots lasers out of his eyes?

    Barry Allen : Yes, he flies, and shoots lasers out of his eyes. Yes.

    Bruce Wayne : No one said "Superman"... that might be a little on the nose?

    Barry Allen : You call yourself Batman.

    Bruce Wayne : Yeah. I don't call myself Super Batman.

    Teenage Barry : [laughs]  Wait, he's Batman?

    Barry Allen : What did you think we were doing here?

    Teenage Barry : I thought this was the cousin's dinner. He's... Bruce Wayne is Batman?

  • Barry Allen : We can't bring you back, can we?

    Batman : You already did. You already did.

  • Barry Allen : There's no Cyborg. There's no Aquaman. There's no Wonder Woman. There's no Superman. There's no Batman.

    Patty : I'm Batman.

    Barry Allen : What, you... What did you just say?

    Patty : [burping the words]  I'm Batman.

  • Barry Allen : I understand that these events can be psychologically scarring! You should seek the services of a mental health professional, the Justice League is... not very good at that part yet. Trust me.

  • Dark Flash : I know sex exists. I've just never experienced it.

  • Barry Allen : Not every problem has a solution, Barry.

  • Kara Zor-El : When you found me in that hole that they put me in and I wasn't Kal-El, why did you help me?

    Barry Allen : Because you needed help.

  • Kara Zor-El : Do you know what this symbol stands for?

    Teenage Barry : Supergirl?

    Barry Allen : It means hope, right?

    Teenage Barry : Hope, yeah. Does it mean hope?

    Kara Zor-El : Krypton was a beautiful place. We are people of hope, not war. Zod may be from Krypton, but he is not my people.

    Teenage Barry : So, you're saying...

    Kara Zor-El : Yes. I will help you fight Zod.

  • Barry Allen : And what are we wearing tonight?

    Teenage Barry : You like it? I-I made it myself out of that old Batsuit. But you know, I made it out our colors and everything. Well, check this out. It's a bit more loose.

    Barry Allen : It beeves.

    Teenage Barry : Dude... you really mean that?

    Barry Allen : I mean, I don't... I don't know that it means, exactly, to beeve. But it seems like it's positive.

  • The Flash : Look, Alfred. I've come to accept that I'm essentially the janitor of the Justice League. Which sucks. But I've come to accept it. But... I can't help help but notice that it always seems to be a bat-mess that I'm cleaning up.

  • Batman : You're strapped to your parachutes.

    Teenage Barry : Hey, where's yours?

    [Batman glides down to the surface] 

    Teenage Barry : Whoo! This rips dicks!

  • Nora Allen : I love you, monkey.

    Teenage Barry : I love you more.

    Nora Allen : I loved you first.

  • Teenage Barry : [the Flash suit slumps to the ground]  It was so tiny...

    Barry Allen : You're supposed to put it on before it hits the floor.

    Teenage Barry : What, like change right here in front of you?

    Barry Allen : There's no one even here anyway, Barry. Come on...

    Teenage Barry : [quickly changes into the suit]  Tight. It hurts. You know where it hurts? In my dick.

  • Teenage Barry : Oh, great! To die at the feet of a Sputnik.

  • Teenage Barry : You know old man Barry, down there, says if we don't stop Captain Zode, he'll kill thousands of people.

    Kara Zor-El : Billions of people.

    Teenage Barry : Billions?

    Kara Zor-El : Of your people.

    Teenage Barry : They're good people.

    Kara Zor-El : Good people? We came to this planet for a safe place to live, and they put me in a cage.

    Teenage Barry : Yeah. A lot of humans are dicks. But then there's babies and ballerinas. And entertainment wrestlers. A lot of humans are worth saving.

    Kara Zor-El : Maybe to you. But I'm not a human. I'm a Kryptonian.

  • Barry Allen : Barry! That was actually only half stupid!

  • Barry Allen : Can we please just take a minute?

    Dark Flash : Yeah, but bro, of course! That's the whole thing, we can take as much time as it takes!

  • Barry Allen : Alright, listen. There's something I should tell you. I went back in time initially, because...

    Teenage Barry : Yeah, because Mom died.

    Barry Allen : But how did you know?

    Teenage Barry : Doesn't matter, does it?

    Barry Allen : You know that I have to undo what I did.

    Teenage Barry : ...No. It's not a mistake. We can save her. And we can save them.

    Barry Allen : No, we can't. This is what Bruce was talking about. Barry, this is inevitable; we can try a million times, and we're not gonna be able to fix this. No matter what we do... This world dies... Today. Look around... Look at all the damage we're causing... Now we have to stop.

    Teenage Barry : [upset]  Look, I was just doing my laundry- You were the one that came and told me that I'm a superhero, and now you're saying what you don't want me to be? Well, guess what! It's too late! I! AM!... The Flash. And I can save everyone! NOBODY DIES!

    Barry Allen : Barry... Not every problem has a solution. Some times we just have to let go.

See also

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