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  • This is a fairly fast paced melodrama with some songs thrown in. The beautiful Eurasian Jenny Hu plays Danfeng, who is just out of school, who meets David, a rich man's son whose life has been aimless, loose women and too much drinking. When he meets Danfeng, he is more than understandably taken with her and reforms. David's best friend Hanming, though he seems to also have a crush on Danfeng, encourages their relationship, at least partially so David will straighten out. David's sister Mona, played by future Category 3 actress Angela Yu Chien, is even more irresponsible than David, with a different guy every time you see her and also having a penchant for alcohol. David marries Danfeng and Danfeng becomes pregnant. At that time, Davis learns from his doctor that his chances for fathering a child are slim and he accuses Danfeng and Hanming of having an affair. I could go on explaining this, but they packed a lot of pathos into this film. Angela Yu Chien practically steals the show, being loud, drunk, unrepentant and sardonic throughout, while Jenny Hu mostly is reserved. The film is somewhat of a wild ride, but if you're a fan of melodrama, especially Shaw Brothers Melodrama, this is essential. It is beautifully photographed and you get to see much of the outskirts of Hong Kong. Not perfect, but at a relatively short 86 minutes it keeps your interest.