35 of 81 found this mild
A woman wearing nothing but a towel falls on top of a man. His girlfriend sees them together and thinks he is having an affair. When he reminds her that she was meant to take his daughter out for some grown-up girl bonding time, she responds "Why, so you can have some grown-up girl bonding time?"
A young girl tells a woman that she shouldn't wear too much makeup on her date because boys are "only after one thing." She then states that she doesn't know what the "thing" is.
There's a naked dark brown fat woman statue that is topless, seen from the side mostly.
There is a shot of a man's crotch with something pushing out at his pants. The something turns out to be a chipmunk who finds his way out the opening.
24 of 36 found this mild
A scary dragon grabs a man, climbs up the outside of a building, uses its tail to thrash a woman, nearly pushing her over the edge, and it then falls to its death, exploding into glitter when it hits the pavement.
A man begins to fall from the top of a building, his coat sleeve is pinned by a thrown sword, his sleeve tears, he falls and he and a woman slide down a roof but do not go over the edge.
A woman bites an apple and falls to the floor unconscious (she seems pale and her eyelids are dark).
A woman throws an apple (it's poisoned) that strikes a bicyclist in the helmet, sticks to the helmet, sizzles, and we later see a hole in the helmet and a bald patch on his head.
A man threatens to kill another man and holds a sword to his throat, a man threatens a woman by holding a sword to her throat, and a man holds a sword to another man's neck (nobody is harmed.)
A woman rises out of a manhole with smoke and bolts of green lightning flashing around her. Later on, she hits some cars with these same bolts in order to stop traffic.
An animated woman is shoved into a deep well. She lands at the bottom and gasps as she is covered in stardust and transferred to the real world. She is unharmed, but is shown frightened.
A woman climbs out of a manhole and is nearly struck by a truck and several cars speeding toward her. Two cars end up crashing together.
A manhole cover is blown off a manhole, it strikes a lighted sign in the distance breaking it and sending sparks around.
A woman becomes angry, she yells and many bottles at a bar shatter, sending thousands of pieces of glass flying all over the place. A man cowers and covers his face as the glass shatters.
36 of 50 found this to have none
No profanity at all.
28 of 35 found this to have none
A man and a woman are shown with alcoholic beverages in a restaurant and the woman almost drinks from hers but is interrupted.
24 of 42 found this mild
None/Mild for neurodivergent viewers.
A woman turns into a dragon threatening to kill everyone in a room.